隨著科技日新月異,相信未來太空旅遊將不再只是夢想而已,不過若要穿著五零年代的宇航員服進行太空之旅,這樣造型可能讓人聞之卻步。別擔心,到日本橫濱(Yokohama)的2008航天太空時裝秀(the Japan Aerospace 2008 Expo space fashion show)展場上,看看有什麼解決之道吧!
年輕的日本設計師們,不僅發揮他們最新的剪裁技術與對科技的想像,所設計出的宇航裝也強調實用性,而花樣從實用性為重到鑲邊服飾與日本和服,通通都有。其中一位設計師在身體關節部份使用了塑膠球,這樣的創意讓人穿起宇航服來還能移動便利。這位今年22歲還是大學生的參觀者說:「我真的很喜歡這個秀。有別於一般的時裝秀,我們可以看到設計師以新穎的方式,把延展性這要元素應用到服裝上,這對於宇航裝來說很重要。」(shows 20)
有些設計師把窄管嵌入,這樣有助於宇航裝的膨脹,方便在太空船內移動。雖然說實用性是宇航時裝的重點,但仍有半數的設計師把街頭風格服飾與宇航裝作結合,展現出流行的一面。這位23歲的大學生說:「如果我到太空旅遊,我會想要穿自己喜歡的衣服。雖然對我來說這樣的想法不切實際,卻非常有趣。」(shows 21)
一些設計師的作品更是前衛,針對想要來個浪漫太空婚禮的人,設計了宇航和服與鑲邊的太空結婚禮服。其中這件靈感來自於和服的宇航裝,採用了能發出五顏六色光彩的纖維,帶有濃厚的日本氣息。這位來自新加坡28歲的商人表示,日本風格的未來時裝有點難以理解,他說:「現在我可能無法接受這樣的概念。也許將來,我們會在市場上看到這樣的設計。」(shows 22)
這場太空時裝秀的號召人大貫鈴美(Misuzu Onuki),預測時裝元素將在未來的太空旅遊中,占有一席之地。她說:「很快的,我們將進入到一般民眾可以付費參加太空旅遊的時代。而當我們在進行太空旅行時,會希望穿著跟一般旅行時一樣。想像一下自己在太空旅遊時所拍攝的照片與錄像,我認為流行將成為重要的要素。」(shows 26)
※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 212 」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
INTRO: Japanese designers take haute-couture to new heights at an aerospace expo.
STORY: Planning a trip to space soon but tired of that 1950s cosmonaut-overall look? If so, the Japan Aerospace 2008 Expo space fashion show may have the solution for you. A total of ten different outfits that designers say are just perfect for the zero-G fashionista walked down a terra-firma catwalk on Saturday (October 4) in Yokohama, Japan.
From practical spacesuits to frilly dresses and kimonos, young Japanese designers showcased their latest tailoring skills and sci-fi imagination. Many designers emphasised the practicality of their outfits. One used a plastic ball between body joints to smooth the body movement in cramped and zero-gravity travel compartments.
"I really enjoyed the show. Unlike the usual fashion shows, it was refreshing in a way to see the designers incorporate a flexible element to the clothes, which is important when you're in space," Chihiro Yoshikawa, 22-year-old university student, told Reuters. (shows 20)
Others implemented a narrow tube inside a baggy suit, which can be used to inflate one's own suit in order to move around the spaceship. While half of the designers focused on the garment function, the remaining designers decided to stick to their fashion roots – incorporating street fashion into the cosmonaut look.
"If I were to travel in outerspace, I would want to wear something that I like. It's still not realistic to me, but the concept was really interesting," said 23-year-old university student Akari Yoan. (shows 21) "
Some designers went even further, creating a "kimono" and a frilly wedding dress in case you want to have a cosmic marriage. The kimono-inspired dress featured a colorful shiny fabric to reflect of Japanese origami, or paper folding, paper.
Quah Zaiyan, a 28-year-old businessman from Singapore, says the Japanese sense of futuristic fashion is difficult to understand. "Right now, I may wouldn't be able to accept; probably in the future, and hopefully we will be able to see that soon," Zaiyan told Reuters. (shows 22)
Organiser of the space fashion show Misuzu Onuki, who is the current Director for Asia Liaison of Space Frontier Foundation, predicts the fashion element will be more and more important as space travel comes within reach of the masses.
"Soon we'll face an age where ordinary people pay money to go on space travels and we are going to want to dress up as we do now when we go on trips. Think about your photos and videos being recorded while in space, I think that fashion will become a crucial element," she added. (shows 26)
Onuki says the fashion show was part of Japan's first space fashion contest, where the winning designer will have a chance to design an actual spacesuit, which will be worn by one of the first public space travellers who will go on an outerspace trip through an American space travel agency. According to Onuki, many of the existing spacesuits are created based on strict guidelines on fabrics and materials. But as long as the approved materials are used, designers have a free hand with style and design of the spacesuit.