
相信許多觀眾朋友都懷有環遊世界的夢想,而在今天節目中所要介紹的網路舞者馬特・哈汀(Matt Harding),則是把自己在全球各地跳舞的舞姿,PO YouTube 網站,而且十分受到歡迎。現在就讓我們來認識這位以獨特方式環遊世界的哈汀。

目前在網路上正夯的馬特・哈汀,儘管他的舞技不比歌舞之王弗雷德阿斯泰爾(Fred Astaire),但是他那滑稽的舞步卻能讓人感受到濃厚的喜感。

哈汀說:「我在世界各地跳舞」。目前在全球六十多個國家,無論是充滿濃濃異國風情的,甚至是頗具危險性的地方,哈汀都留下了自己跳舞的身影,足跡遍及七大洲。而在短短三周的時間內,就有將近六百萬人次上YouTube 網站瀏覽哈汀跳舞的影片。此外,影片中作為背景音樂的新世紀音樂,還在亞馬遜網站(amazon.com's) 登上最受歡迎下載排行榜第八名的位置。




採訪人員在紐約著名景點中央公園(Central Park)找到了哈汀,正好一睹他現場拍攝的情形。同樣的,一位來自唯爾京群島(Virgin Islands)的旅客也加入了我們的採訪人員,在旁觀看。另外還有一位從蒙大拿(Montana)來的哈汀的粉絲,則是拍照留念。


至於哈汀對於未來有何計畫呢?應該就是順其自然吧!哈汀說:「我知道自己能力所在。我會離開自己所熟悉的領域 無論會發生什麼事情,我都能夠克服。」


※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 198 」

※ The original article was taken from
Reuters Website.  ( 原文取自路透社網站 )


INTRO: YouTube star keeps dancing Matt Harding is no Fred Astaire, but his flailing limbs have made him the darling of the Internet and brought joy to millions of fans worldwide. Fred Katayama reports from New York. 

SCRIPT: Matt Harding is the It-boy of the Internet. He's no Fred Astaire. But his goofy gavotte elicits infectious joy.

(SOUNDBITE)(English) MATT HARDING, INTERNET DANCER, SAYING:"I dance badly around the world."

Worldwide ... some 60 countries on all 7 continents. Exotic, even dangerous places. Nearly 6 million people have seen this feelgood video on youtube in just three weeks. And its New Age soundtrack ranks eighth on amazon.com's most downloaded list.

It all began five years ago. Matt quit his job as a videogame designer and hopscotched around Asia. His pal suggested he shoot videos of himself dancing the same jig in town after town.

(SOUNDBITE)(English) MATT HARDING, INTERNET DANCER, SAYING: "It became a way of taking a momento of every place I went to that wasn't carrying a stuffed animal or putting on a T-shirt or just taking a snapshot. It was something that moved, something visual. So I just kept doing it, collected clips, put it together and put it on the Internet."

Executives at the gum maker, Stride, saw it and offered to fund his trips. Flat broke, he didn't chew on it. He said yes. Armed with a bigger budget, he visited 46 countries. And this time, he got natives to boogey with him even though he only speaks English. 

We caught up with Matt in Central Park where he shot his New York spot. And he showed me how he did it. And like that, a stranger from the Virgin Islands joined us. Then a fan from Montana spotted Matt.

(SOUNDBITE)(English) MATT HARDING, INTERNET DANCER, SAYING: "Have you seen the video." 
(SOUNDBITE)(English) WILLIAM GUYVER, STUDENT TRAVELER, SAYING: "I've seen a couple of them, yeah. It's incredible. Cool job."

And Matt gets paid for it. As for his next step, it's que sera sera. (SOUNDBITE)(English) MATT HARDING, INTERNET DANCER, SAYING: "I learned a lot about what I'm capable of, stepping out of the comfort zone ... Whatever happens, I can deal with it."


    馬特・哈汀 Matt Harding

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