一位韓國跆拳道( Taekwondo )教練用英文大喊:「準備踢擊」,隨後一名韓國男孩以英文大聲回應道:「是,迴旋踢,喝!」一塊木板就被擊碎了。在這間跆拳道館裡,小孩們在努力磨練這項韓國傳統武術的同時,也在背誦著英文單字。這種結合了跆拳道與英文的〝跆拳道式英語 ( Taeglish ) 〞,目前在韓國掀起一股風潮,更讓許多重視小孩教育的父母親,趨之若鶩。
在這家位於北首爾 (Seoul)坡州市(Paju)、教授跆拳道式英語的機構裡,所有的命令與指令都以英語來發號。跆拳道式英語創辦人金成勳 ( Kim Sung-hoon ) 說:「跆拳道式英語這個名稱,是將跆拳道與英文這二個英文單字結合在一起。一般的英語教學不僅無聊,而且小孩無法了解到學習英文的必要性。透過將跆拳道與英語相結合的方式,小孩不僅從中獲得樂趣,也能學習英文。」【shoes 7】
搭配著每個跆拳道的練習動作,孩子們精神抖擻的喊出對應的英文術語。這位今年12歲的學員說:「一開始我認為跆拳道式英語會很困難,就算我有心要學也一樣,所以我就沒有參加。但是後來我發現這是一個學習英文的好方法,而且很有趣,同時有益於我的健康。」【shows 10】
※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 190 」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
INTRO: South Korean children learn English through Taekwondo. Taeglish -- a combination of the Korean martial art Taekwondo and English -- is taking young children in South Korea by storm.
STORY: A South Korean Taekwondo master shouts "Ready to kick!" in English, then a Korean boy shouts back "Yeah, turn-kick uh!" in English and smashes a wooden board. At this gym, children are honing their skills in the traditional Korean martial art Taekwondo and memorising English words at the same time. "Taeglish", a combination of Taekwondo and English, is the latest craze for South Korean children and their education-minded parents.
All the commands and instructions were translated into English at the Taeglish Academy in Paju, north of Seoul. "Taeglish is a combination of the words Taekwondo and English. Normal English education is boring, it's no fun and they do not understand why they have to learn it. When English is combined with Taekwondo practice, children can learn English while enjoying themselves and having fun," said Kim Sung-hoon, the founder of Taeglish.
Children cheer loudly with each Taekwondo move. "I thought at first that, even though I wanted to do it, the English in Taeglish would be difficult so I wasn't going to do it. But I noticed it was easy to learn English and memorise while practicing Taeglish, and it's fun. It is also good for my health," said 12-year-old Jeon Ji-sun.【shows 10】
South Korea has been engulfed by English language fever and the craze is set to strengthen. In 2007, more than 15 trillion won (14.43 billion USD) was spent for English education, and English has become a vital standard for getting a job. With the English craze, the number of Taeglish academies has expanded to more than 40 since the first class was introduced at a department store in March 2007.
Taekwondo dates back to about 50 B.C.when Korea was divided into three kingdoms. It became a demonstration sport in the 1988 and 1992 Olympic Games. It became an official Olympic sport in 2000. The martial art is taught in some 188 countries and the Korean language commands are normally used in Taekwondo institutes around the world.