




芝麻街兒童節目中的布偶們(Muppets)、由琳賽蘿涵(Lindsay Lohan)所拍攝的廣告,以及評論網站Yelp.com,這三者之間到底有什麼共通點呢 ? 答案就是都入圍了2010年的威比獎(Webby Award)


來自哥倫比亞大學專研數位媒體的教授杜林土(Duy Linh Tu)表示,許多人並不清楚威比獎是什麼,因為威比獎不像奧斯卡或葛萊美有華麗的表演節目,但對數位世界來說,威比獎的份量跟奧斯卡與葛萊美相同。杜林土說:「正如我們所知,網路世界是如此的遼闊,有著好幾億個網站充斥其中,而威比獎則把哪些菁英中的菁英發掘出來。」

70個獎項類別裡,每一類都有五件作品入圍,而優勝者是有國際數位藝術科學學院(the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences)的成員所投票決定的。國際數位藝術科學學院的成員共有750位,裡頭包括了網路專家、商業鉅子以及創意名流。


獲得五項威比獎提名的麥克法拉(Mike Farah)表示,威比獎確立了網路對於娛樂產業的影響。麥克法拉說:「我認為威比獎改變了很多事情。最明顯的,從速度、品質與產品價值來說,我們可以很快速的將關聯性很低的事物結合在一塊,而花費上卻與傳統電視或電影有所區隔,而這正是網路最迷人之處。」




※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 」











What do the Muppets, a Lindsay Lohan dating advertisement and Yelp.com have in common?  They have all been nominated for a 2010 Webby Award.

For 14 years the Webby Awards has highlighted the best of the Internet. Categories reflect the growth of the Internet as a tool for businesses and Internet users, and judge content including online film and video, mobile web and interactive advertising.

Duy Linh Tu, a professor of Digital Media studies at Columbia University, said that while many people don't know about the awards because they don't have a spectacular show like the Oscars or Grammys, they are equally important for the digital world. Duy Linh Tu: "The web is a huge huge place as we know. There are millions and millions of websites. And the Webbys are a way of paying recognition to the best of the best."

There are almost 70 categories with five nominees in each.  Winners are voted on by members of the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences.  The academy has 750 members and includes web experts, business figures and creative celebrities.

One of the nominees in the mobile marketplace and services category is Yelp.com.  The site has a mobile phone application that tracks where you are based on the GPS in your mobile phone and makes restaurant recommendations based on your location.

Mike Farah of Funny or Die, who received five Webby noms, says the awards are recognizing the impact the Internet is having on the entertainment industry.  Mike Farah: "I think it has changed a lot of things. Definitely in the speed and quality and production value that we can put together very quickly at relatively very low amount of money is very different than how traditional TV and movies come together.  That's what is so great about the Internet."

The Webby Awards will take place on June 14th.  But don't worry about the show being too long -- acceptance speeches are limited to only five words!



※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website.  ( 原文取自路透社網站 )



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