

2004年發生於台灣南部地區的三一九槍擊案作為故事背景的香港動作片〝彈道 (Ballistic)〞,於台灣上映了,片長九十五分鐘,由劉國昌 (Lawrence Lau) 所執導,片中取景大多來自香港。本片預計又將掀起台灣社會一股爭論,甚至有可能傷害台灣最大反對黨民進黨 (Democratic Progressive Party) 的形象。


2004年的三月十九號,正好是台灣總統大選的前一天。當時的在位總統陳水扁  (Chen Shui-bian) 與他的競選搭檔呂秀蓮 (Annette Lu) ,在南台灣掃街拜票時,遭到不明人士開槍,兩人因此都受到輕傷。而在隔天的總統大選中,陳呂兩人贏得選舉。




導演以小說的手法帶領觀眾重返三一九槍擊事件。電影製作人表示,〝彈道〞這部電影只是對這樁事件的一種推測,未必完全與事實相符。在電影中飾演陳水扁一角的男演員沈孟生 (Shen Meng-seng) 則表示,希望能夠發掘出三一九事件的真相。








※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 221




※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website.  ( 原文取自路透社網站 )



INTRO:  Shooting movie takes stab at Taiwan ex-president. Hong Kong movie Ballistic, with story loosely based on the March 19, 2004 shooting of ex-president Chen Shui-bian, who many believe arranged the incident to generate sympathy votes, premieres in Taiwan.



STORY: A film about the election-eve gun attack on Taiwan's recently indicted ex-president Chen Shui-bian will debut on the island this week, where it is expected to reignite debate about the controversial 2004 shooting.


The Hong Kong action movie "Ballistic" uses a fictional plot to revisit the March 19 attack, when incumbent Chen and his running mate Annette Lu were shot and slightly injured during a campaign rally in southern Taiwan. They won the race a day later.


Although a dead man was named the only suspect, closing the shooting case in 2005, many in Taiwan believe that Chen's campaign set up the shooting to draw sympathy votes for the razor-tight election.


The film producer said this movie is only an approximation of the incident, not totally consistent with what happened. Actor Shen Meng-seng, who takes on the role of the president in the movie, said he wishes to find out a real answer to the March 19 incident.


Chen, also controversial for his anti-China rhetoric while president from 2000 to 2008, was indicted last month for graft, money laundering and misuse of public funds. A court this week denied his request to leave jail ahead of a Jan. 19 hearing.


The film, which hits Taiwan cinemas on Friday, is likely to rekindle public discussion about the shooting, tarnishing the image of Taiwan's main opposition Democratic Progressive Party, which backed Chen in office, ahead of tough local elections at the end of the year. Chen left the party in August.


Chen and the party seek Taiwan's formal independence from China, which has claimed sovereignty over the self-ruled island since 1949. That year, Mao Zedong's Communists won the Chinese civil war and Chiang Kai-shek's Nationalists fled to Taiwan. Beijing has vowed to bring Taiwan under its rule, by force if necessary.


The 95-minute film, directed by Lawrence Lau and filmed largely in Hong Kong, premieres on Thursday before opening for audiences around Taiwan a day later. It has shown for about two months in Hong Kong.





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