【主播】星期天(1月13日),兩名澳洲人成功的以獨木舟,橫越位於澳大利亞與新西蘭之間的塔斯曼海(Tasman Sea),創下空前紀錄。這兩人在靠岸後,受到親友、群眾英雄式的熱烈歡迎。
【配音】25歲的詹姆斯(James Castrission)與24歲的賈斯汀(Justin Jones),在經過62天以獨木舟徒手划槳的方式,平安的橫渡距離長達三千三百公里的海洋。兩人在紐西蘭北島的一處海岸,順利登陸,而聚集於岸邊的群眾,則以傳統的毛利戰士儀式,歡迎兩人的到來。
詹姆斯說:「當我們在海上望見114公里外的塔拉納基(Taranaki)時,心情非常興奮。整趟航程我們都很忙,幾乎沒有睡覺。我們很高興能抵達這裡」【shows 16】
賈斯汀則說:「在航行中途我們繞了點路,這對我們而言是慘痛的經驗。非常感謝新西蘭人的熱情歡迎,原先我們還誤認大家是岸邊的岩石。」【shows 17】
兩人計畫在接受醫院的健康檢查後,大肆慶祝一番。除此之外,他們也要向去年同樣挑戰以獨木舟單人橫越塔斯曼海而不幸失蹤的澳洲人安德魯(Andrew McAuley)致意。
※ 正式新聞稿與影像:「新唐人電視台」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
INTRO: Two Australians become the first to cross the Tasman Sea by kayak. Two Australian men receive a heroes' welcome after becoming the first people to Kayak across the Tasman Sea, travelling thousands of kilometers between Australia and New Zealand.
STORY: Two Australian men became the first to cross the Tasman Sea by Kayak on Sunday (January 13) after paddling 3,300 kilometres through treacherous seas. James Castrission, 25, and Justin Jones, 24, paddled for 62 days through strong currents and shark infested water on their journey from Australia to New Zealand.
The pair received a heroes' welcome as they paddled towards Ngamotu Beach at New Plymouth on New Zealand's north island, escorted by dozens of kayakers and boats. A 2,000-strong crowd and chanting traditional maori warriors greeted the pair as they came into shore.
After jumping from their kayak, Castrission and Jones stumbled up the bay as their leg muscles had wasted from lack of walking. Their relieved families hugged the men and friends hoisted them on their shoulders as they moved through the crowd. The kayakers said they were very thankful and excited for the large welcome they received in New Zealand, though they had had little sleep.
"Absolutely mind-blowing, from when we saw Taranaki 114 kilometres out to sea, all the way in we've just been buzzing, me, we've hardly slept and we're just so excited to be here," said Castrission.
The men said they expected a much shorter journey, but that they were blown off course by headwinds and strong currents which saw their food supplies dwindle.
"We were meant to be 2,000 kilometres but we took a detour in the middle and it's just what the hell was going on there," said Jones. The men also said as they were approaching New Zealand they initially thought the crowd were rocks on shore. "Thank you so much New Zealand this is out of control. We thought everyone was rocks," he said.
Jones said sharks surrounded their kayak only two hours after he had been in the water cleaning the vessel. The men said they plan to celebrate hard once they undergo medical checks in hospital. The Kayakers also paid tribute to Australian kayaker Andrew McAuley who disappeared while attempting to kayak solo across the same course last year.
搬新家嚕 ~ 新網誌在此:http://pa701009.blogspot.tw/,懇請舊雨新知繼續支持捧場啦!
- Jan 13 Sun 2008 19:39
〈新唐人電視新聞編譯〉NEW ZEALAND-KAYAK RECORD 兩澳人以獨木舟 成功橫越塔斯曼海