【主播】星期六,一艘馬其頓軍用運輸直升機,在首都斯科普里 (Skopje) 南方的一座村莊附近失事,機上的返鄉士兵與機組人員,一共11人全部不幸罹難。
【配音】這架Mi-17型的軍用運輸直升機,在接近中午時分準備登陸時墜毀。儘管造成失事的實際原因尚待釐清,但馬其頓總理尼科拉‧格魯埃夫斯基 (Nikola Gruevski) ,認為這起發生在凱特雷諾瓦地區 ( Katlanovo region ) 的墜機事件,是一樁意外。
馬其頓的軍用直升機,目前以俄羅斯製的Mi-17型和Mi-24型攻擊直升機為主。而這些直升機,是在2001年時,為了對付阿爾巴尼亞 ( Albanian ) 游擊隊的叛亂而購買。
※ 正式新聞稿與影像:「新唐人亞太電視台」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
INTRO: Macedonian military helicopter crash kills 11. Eleven die as Macedonian military helicopter transporting soldiers home from Bosnia crashes south of the capital Skopje.
STORY: A Macedonian military helicopter transporting soldiers home from Bosnia crashed near a village south of the capital Skopje on Saturday (January 12), killing 11 passengers and crew.
Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski said the cause of the crash in the Katlanovo region was not known, but described it as an accident. A government statement said there were no survivors.
Gruevski said the Mi-17 transport helicopter had been approaching landing around midday (1100 GMT) when it crashed.
A Reuters photographer said the helicopter was completely destroyed, scattering debris up to 100 metres from the site. The helicopter was returning Macedonian soldiers from European Union-led peacekeeping operations in Bosnia.
Macedonia's military helicopter fleet is mostly made up of Russian-made Mi-24 attack helicopters and Mi-17s, bought in 2001 during an ethnic Albanian guerrilla insurgency.