為死者準備入斂事宜的行業可能不太迷人,但是今年入圍奧斯卡最佳外語片的〝送行者~禮儀師的樂章 (Departures)〞,則以出乎意料的觀點,為我們揭開日本殯葬業鮮為人知的一面。
這部電影由擅長喜劇片與科幻片的導演瀧田洋二郎 (Yojiro Takita) 所執導,光在日本當地就累積了三十億日圓的票房。劇情以一位失業的大提琴家為主角,在無意間踏入了殯葬業,起初他很不排拒這個行業,但是最後卻做的相當稱職。
在獲得最佳外語片提名的加持後,目前這部電影計畫在二十九個國家上映,與更多的觀眾朋友見面。導演瀧田洋二郎在接受訪問時說:「這讓我感到驚訝,卻也證明了電影的魅力可以跨越語言的隔閡,同時這是對全體辛苦工作的人員以及演員的一種肯定,我為此感到高興。」(shows 3)
片中由本木雅弘 (Daigo Kobayashi) 所飾演的主角大悟 (Masahiro Motoki),因為原先所參加的管弦樂團解散而失業。他把昂貴的大提琴變賣後,帶著妻子美香 (Mika) 搬回到北方下雪的小鎮,而這也是大悟的故鄉,兩人打算展開新生活。由於看到一則奇怪的求職廣告〝旅途協助〞並前往應徵,大悟變成了禮儀師學徒,而且他自己覺的有必要隱瞞妻子這件事情。
跟其他國家不同的是,日本的禮儀師在死者家屬面前為往生者清洗與化妝,並且伴隨著法師在場,現場氣氛莊嚴而哀淒。導演瀧田洋二郎說:「我知道有禮儀師這一行,但是究竟工作內容是什麼我並不清楚。我想在世界上許多國家,通常工作跟死人有關的話,都容易有種厭惡的情緒。而這部電影就涉獵到這樣的內容,但是身為電影導演,我想要窺探他們不為一般人所看到、了解的一面。」(shows 5)
※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 225 」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
INTRO: Oscar nod sheds light on Japanese death rituals. Oscar-nominated director offers a glimpse into the esoteric world of Japanese morticians
STORY: Preparing corpses for the coffin is not the most glamorous of professions, but an Oscar nomination for "Departures" has thrown an unexpected spotlight on the hidden world of the Japanese mortician.
Director Yojiro Takita (pronounced Yoh-jee-roh Tah-kee-tah), a veteran of comedy and fantasy movies, scored a 3 billion yen (33.5 million U.S. dollars) domestic hit with this tale of an out-of-work cellist who stumbles into a job that at first disgusts him, but gradually becomes a vocation.
Now boasting an Academy Award nomination for best foreign film, the movie is set for a wider audience, with screenings planned in 29 countries."It was a surprise. But it confirmed to me the power of movies to break past the barriers of language. Also I think that it's also a recognition of all hard work my staff and casts put in it and that pleases me a lot," Takita said in an interview with Reuters on Thursday (January 29). (shows 3)
The film's hero, Daigo Kobayashi (pronounced Dah-ee-goh Koh-bah-yah-shee), played by Masahiro Motoki (pronounced Mah-sah-hee-roh Moh-toh-kee), finds himself jobless when the orchestra he plays with is disbanded. He sells his expensive cello and he and his wife Mika move to the snowy northern town where he grew up, in an attempt to start a new life. Answering a mysterious ad for "help with journeys" lands him a post as an apprentice mortician, something he feels obliged to hide from his wife.
Unlike their counterparts in many countries, Japan's "nokanshi" perform cleansing and beautifying services in the presence of the bereaved family, in a ritual that must combine an atmosphere of sympathy and reverence with a magician's sleight of hand. "I knew there was such a profession, but I had no idea exactly what they did, " he said."I think in many countries around the world those people who work with death generally tend to be seen with some sort of disgust. But there is a certain drama involved in their work, So as a movie director, I wanted to peek into a world that people don't normally see." (shows 5)
This year's Oscar winners are set to be announced on February 22 in Hollywood.