黎巴嫩當地的某個組織,為榮獲奧斯卡提名的以色列反戰電影〝與巴席爾跳華爾滋 (Waltz with Bashir)〞,舉辦了一場私人的電影放映會。儘管在黎巴嫩當地禁止上映以色列電影,但該組織希望透過放映與戰爭相關的影片,來保存黎巴嫩人對於戰爭的記憶。一開始,只有三十個人受邀參與這場私人的電影放映會,不過由於這部電影頗受歡迎,最後一共有九十個人前來出席。
由阿黎‧佛爾曼 (Ari Folman) 所執導的電影〝與巴席爾跳華爾滋〞,採用紀錄片與動畫結合的方式,描述26年前以色列入侵黎巴嫩驅趕巴勒斯坦 (Palestinian) 解放組織游擊隊的傷痛往事。當時以色列與黎巴嫩的基督徒領袖巴席爾‧賈梅耶 (Bashir Gemayel) 結盟。電影最後以發生在黎巴嫩境內薩布拉 (Sabra) 與夏蒂拉 (Shatila) 兩地難民營的大屠殺事件,畫下句點。當年大屠殺除了引起全球關注外,也間接促使當時的以色列國防部長阿里埃勒‧沙龍 (Ariel Sharon) 辭職下台。
十九歲時被迫入伍參加這場戰爭的導演佛爾曼,以漫畫幽暗的手法來描繪戰爭,直到最後融入由成堆的屍體構成畫面的實際影片。為了協助基督徒長槍黨 (Phalangist) 民兵部隊占領貝魯特地區 (Beirut),佛爾曼所隸屬的軍隊,對該地區難民營內的巴勒斯坦婦女、兒童及老人展開屠殺,大約有六百人因此喪生。
為了抵禦來自已故的巴勒斯坦領袖亞西爾‧阿拉法特 (Yasser Arafat) 所領導的巴勒斯坦解放組織游擊隊的攻擊,以色列在1982年六月展開了這項軍事行動。而飽受戰火摧殘的貝魯特,則在阿拉法特的計畫下,轉為攻擊以色列的基地。以色列希望結束戰爭並和巴席爾‧賈梅耶締結和約,卻遭到敘利亞 (Syria) 從中破壞,在1982年的9月14日成功的刺殺賈梅耶。
儘管〝與巴席爾跳華爾滋〞這部電影備受爭議,卻仍榮獲金球獎 (Golden Globe) 的肯定,並獲得奧斯卡最佳外語片的提名,同時也被美國影評人協會 (the National Society of Film Critics) 提名為2008年最佳電影。
※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 228 」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
INTRO: Oscar nominated film "Waltz with Bashir" screens in Beirut despite ban. "Waltz With Bashir" director Ari Folman speaks about his Oscar-nominated film after it screens in Lebanon.
STORY: An organisation in Lebanon held a private screening of the Oscar-nominated Israeli anti-war film "Waltz with Bashir" despite a controversial law in Lebanon banning Israeli movies. The critically acclaimed film by Ari Folman is banned under a Lebanese law that forbids trade with Israel. The organisation aims to preserve the country's memories of war by screening movies related to its decades of bloodshed.
Monika Borgmann, director of UMAM, said 30 people were invited to the screening but 90 people ended up attending in the end due to the popularity of the film. "So as the film had already made lot of noise -- I mean there was a lot in the press about this film, the film has been in Cannes, and it has just won the Golden Globe, it was nominated for the Oscar... Our friends brought their friends and so in the end we ended up to be 90 people," said Borgmann.
The title "Waltz with Bashir" conveys Israel's alliance with Lebanon's Christian leader at the time, Bashir Gemayel. The film mixes documentary and animation to depict the trauma of an Israeli invasion 26 years ago to expel Palestinian guerrillas. The film ends with the massacre of hundreds of Palestinians by Israel's Lebanese Christian allies in the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps of Beirut.
Despite the controversies surrounding the film, "Waltz with Bashir" is widely considered the Oscar foreign-language front-runner after winning a Golden Globe earlier this month and being named the best movie of 2008 by the National Society of Film Critics in the United States.
Pirated DVD copies now sell for 2 U.S. dollars each in Beirut's Hamra district, which features in the film as the site of fierce battles between Folman's army unit and Palestinian guerrillas.
Against a narrative based on buried recollections of former brothers-in-arms, Folman, who was a 19-year-old conscript at the time, shows war in the nightmarish colours of a comic book -- until the final moments when it shockingly culminates with actual footage of piles of dead bodies.
The film shows how some 600 Palestinian women, children and old people were slaughtered in the refugee camps under the light of flares fired over Beirut by Folman's army unit, ordered to help the Christian Phalangist militia secure the area.
"I think people were very moved, I mean I remember the film finished and there was silence. Really there was silence. Then people started to go out, some of them had tears in their eyes, they thanked us," said Borgmann. (shows 20)
The Sabra and Shatila massacre prompted a world outcry, and in Israel a commission of inquiry found then-defence minister Ariel Sharon indirectly responsible, forcing him to resign. It said Sharon, who later went on to become prime minister, ignored
warnings that the Phalangists would massacre Palestinian refugees to avenge the killing of hundreds of Christian civilians by Palestinian guerrillas in southern Lebanon six years earlier.
Israel launched the operation in June 1982 to fend off attacks against its northern towns by Palestinian guerrillas led by late Palestinian President Yasser Arafat, who had turned war-torn Beirut into a base for attacks on Israel. Israel hoped to end the war and seal a peace treaty with Gemayel. But the plan was sabotaged by Syria, which had Gemayel assassinated on September 14, 1982.