


參與電影〝購物狂的異想世界(Confessions of a Shopaholic)〞演出的明星們,出席了舉辦在紐約的首映會。儘管目前大環境經濟不景氣,但劇中演員還是對票房深具信心,因為許多觀眾都能與這部電影的主題揮霍無度產生共鳴。


這部電影改編自蘇菲金索拉 (Sophie Kinsella) 的暢銷小說,由P.J.霍根 (P.J. Hogan) 執導,全片重心圍繞在由艾拉費雪 (Isla Fisher) 所飾演的蕾貝卡布倫伍德身上 (Rebecca Bloomwood)。蕾貝卡是一位熱中追求時尚的女性,並且一心一意想成為紐約某女性雜誌的時尚編輯。費雪說:「詮釋這樣的角色是一個挑戰,不僅是因為在書中主角備受喜愛,也因為我未曾在電影中獨挑過大樑。我需要為這部電影的基調負起全責。」(shows 6)


和薩夏拜倫柯恩 (Sasha Baron Cohen) 訂婚的費雪,最為人所熟知的電影作品是〝婚禮傲客 (Wedding Crashers;婚禮終結者)〞。費雪表示她有信心觀眾想看這樣一個拼命花錢的女孩,因為大家處在必須勒緊褲帶過日子的時候,會試圖找尋一個喘息的機會。費雪說:「我花錢很實際,完全不像蕾貝卡。電影中蕾貝卡所學到的教訓,就是身處經濟衰退中的你我所正在經歷的。」(shows 8)


電影中蕾貝卡所愛慕的人,是由休丹西 (Hugh Dancy) 所飾演的路克布蘭登 (Luke Brandon),他是蕾貝卡所任職的財經雜誌的老闆。逐漸嶄露頭角的休丹西,是一位英國演員,畢業自牛津大學,最廣為人所熟知的是他在歌劇界的表現。


丹西表示之所接下這個角色,原因之一是參與喜劇的演出對他而言是個挑戰。休丹西說:「就我所知,在螢光幕上若想成功製造出一個好的笑點,就必須先經過十個爛笑話的洗禮。你必須融入其中、有搞砸的心理準備、看起來像個笨蛋、然後重整自己並且再試一次。」(shows 11) 另一個參與演出的因素,則是能和費雪合作。休丹西說:「費雪在工作上超級認真,不過觀眾無法透過螢光幕發現這點。儘管她演起喜劇來看似輕鬆,但事實上她非常認真。她到片場進行準備工作時,會把同一個場景不同的十個演出版本都準備就緒,並且作修改。」(shows 13 )








 ※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 229 」




※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website.  ( 原文取自路透社網站 )



INTRO: The stars of "Confessions of a Shopaholic" attend premiere in New York. Shopaholic stars splash out on the red carpet. The stars of "Confessions of a Shopaholic" are optimistic their film will be a success because of the lessons that can be learned from the film in a time when people are reigning in their spending.


Story: The stars of "Confessions of a Shopaholic" hit the red carpet in New York on Thursday (February 5) optimistic that their film about uncontrolled spending would be a hit despite the economic downturn because it's a theme so many people can relate to right now.


Directed by P.J. Hogan, the movie follows Rebecca Bloomwood, a fun-loving fashionista who lives miles beyond her means and dreams of being a fashion reporter in New York for a woman's magazine. The movie is based on the best-selling novels by Sophie Kinsella and it stars Isla Fisher. "It was a challenge taking on the role of this character because she is so beloved in the books and because I had never played the lead in a movie and you're much more responsible for the tone of the film," said Fisher.


Prior to "Confessions of a Shopaholic", Fisher who is engaged to Sasha Baron Cohen, aka: Borat and Ali G, was best known for her role in "Wedding Crashers". She said she is confident that movie-goers will want to watch the poster-girl for reckless consumerism because they are looking for an escape in a period where most people are trying to tighten their belts instead of buying new ones. "I was never a big spender like Becky Bloom," she said. "I've always been more practical but I think the lessons that Rebecca Bloomwood learns in the film are lessons that we're all learning during this economic period."


Her love interest in the movie is up-and-coming British actor Hugh Dancy, a graduate of Oxford who is better known for his dramatic roles. He plays Luke Brandon, Bloomwood's boss at the financial magazine where she gets a job. He said it was the challenge of doing comedy that made him take the role. "I learned that in order to get a good joke on screen you have to make ten bad jokes that just don't work. You have to go in and be prepared to mess up and look like an idiot and pick yourself up and try again," he said.


Another factor was the possibility of working with Fisher.  "She's incredibly hard-working and you don't see it on screen," he said. "She makes it look very easy. She is very, very diligent. She comes prepared for the scene that's written and also with ten other versions to try and improve it."


The film, which was shot entirely in the United States is being released in North America on February 13th. It's just in time for Valentine's Day.









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