

【主播】就在前天(1026),位於印度北部的喜馬偕爾邦(Himachal Pradesh state),發生一起不幸的施工意外,造成六名進行巴爾伯蒂水力發電工程(the Parbati hydel project)的工人死亡。

【配音】事故發生當時,這六名工人正在賽尼村(Sainj village)進行第二階段的工程,他們搭乘前往地底施工地點的纜車,在傾斜30度的通道緩緩下降,不過支撐的鋼索卻突然發生斷裂,使的纜車急速墜落到底,釀成意外。


(the National Hydroelectric Power Corporation (NHPC))的總工程師阿圖爾庫瑪(Atul Kumar)於星期六(1027)表示:「這起意外起因於纜線絞盤的不正常運作,造成纜線鬆脫,狀況相當罕見,在這之前我們未曾聽過類似的情況。」【shows 5

※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website.  ( 原文取自路透社網站 )


INTRO: Six workers crushed in mishap at hydel project site in northern India. Six workers were crushed to death in a mishap at the Parbati hydel project site in India's northern Himachal Pradesh state on Friday.

STORY: Six workers were crushed to death in a mishap at the Parbati hydel project site in India's northern Himachal Pradesh state on Friday (October 26).

The workers were being lowered through a 1545 metre pressure shaft inclined at 30 degrees at the phase-Two project site at Sainj village when a cable snapped sending the trolley hurtling down. Even a day after the mishap, only one body could be recovered after intensive rescue efforts.

"The accident occurred due to failure of the winch machine and it is a very rare failure. We have never heard of something like this before. There was a gear failure in the machine and the rope got slipped due to momentum. We have been able to recover one body, rest of them are trapped inside," Atul Kumar, a Chief Engineer with the National Hydroelectric Power Corporation (NHPC), said on Saturday (October 27).
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"The incident took place around 5:30 local time. In this, death of six people has been confirmed and all of them are employees of the company," said Karam Chand, Police Inspector.
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The workers were engaged by a subsidiary of Gammon India Limited, which has been contracted by National Hydroelectric Power Corporation (NHPC) for the construction of phase-2 of the 2051 MW hydel project in the Himalayas.


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