【主播】在經歷大火肆虐一星期之後,南加州聖地亞哥伯納多農場 ( San Diego suburb of Rancho Bernardo ) 的居民們,在昨天(10月27日)重返家園,進行災後清理工作。
【配音】受災居民薩斯喜爾‧戴瑞爾(SUSHEEL DHARIA)表示:「原先我祈求上天別讓災情太嚴重,不過很不幸的,事與願違。18個月前,我太太因乳腺癌去世,而這裡充滿了我倆的美好回憶,如今一切都變樣了」。【shows 3】
※ 正式新聞稿與影像:「新唐人電視台」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
INTRO: Residents of southern California start clean up after a week of raging fires. Residents return to whatever is left of their homes as the clean up begins after deadly wildfires in Southern California.
STORY: Wildfire victims are returning to what's left of their charred homes Saturday (October 27) in the San Diego suburb of Rancho Bernardo. It was a day to try and salvage whatever survived the flames and remove the debris.
SUSHEEL DHARIA, WILDFIRE VICTIM SAYING: "I was praying for the best but unfortunately it was not supposed to be. It was pretty tough because that's where all my memories are with my wife, with my children. They've gone away and my wife passed away 18 months ago from breast cancer. So this was the place I cherished for her memories."【shows 3】
In san diego county just two of the five major fires are more than 50-percent contained, but they are in outlying areas. Thick smoke continues to hang over the region. Air quality remains poor. Doctors are seeing an increase in people with breathing problems. But all the
neighbourhoods in San Diego county that were evacuated earlier this week have been reopened.
Throughout Southern California, nine of the region's 23 wildfires have yet to be contained, and authorities say 21-thousand structures are still threatened.
搬新家嚕 ~ 新網誌在此:http://pa701009.blogspot.tw/,懇請舊雨新知繼續支持捧場啦!
- Oct 28 Sun 2007 09:36
〈新唐人電視新聞編譯〉USA-CALIFORNIA CLEAN-UP 南加州大火災民進行災後清理工作