

INTRO: South Korean unification minister meets with the former president, Kim
Dae-jung to discuss upcoming summit.South Korea's Unification Minister Lee Jae-jeong met with the former President Kim Dae-jung, who led the first North-South summit seven years ago.

STORY: South Korean unification minister visited the former president on Saturday (August 11) to seek advice for the second Inter-Korean summit scheduled to be held at the end of the month.

Former South Korean President Kim Dae-jung went to Pyongyang to hold the first historical summit between two Koreas in June 2000, and the summit was hailed as a breakthrough in bringing a chance of peace to the Cold War's last frontier. 

"The denuclearisation will bring a peaceful system to the Korean peninsular and based on the system, the two Koreas will have economic growth in the future," said Lee Jae-jeong (
李在禎), South Korea's unification minister. 

The two Koreas earlier announced that the summit would be in Pyongyang between August 28-30. It follows moves by Pyongyang to implement an agreement with regional powers to end its nuclear weapons programmes in return for massive aid. 

"Kim Dae-jung expects because him and Kim Jong-il(
金正日) made good progress through talks rather than formalities during the last summit, President Roh Moo-hyun and Kim Jong-il should also be able to achieve a good outcome through open-minded talks," said Lee. 

The Roh government has been criticised for being too accommodating to what many consider a renegade state. Roh is under strong pressure at home to win concessions from the North, especially greater commitment to nuclear disarmament, resolving the highly-emotional issues of South Koreans kidnapped decades ago and still held in the North and reunions of families divided at the end of the 1950~53 war.








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