





以精通不同領域的前特種部隊隊員所組合而成的團隊作為主軸,再加入刺激又大膽的英勇行動,這正是電影新片《天龍特攻隊(THE A—TEAM)》,而這一回,他們遭到誣陷,被指控犯罪。


至於天龍特攻隊的隊員們,則分別由主演過電影《即刻救援(Taken)》的連恩尼遜(Liam Neeson)、演出過電影《醉後大丈夫(The Hangover)》的布萊德利古柏(Bradley Cooper),還有得過拳擊冠軍的昆頓傑克森(Quinton “Rampage” Jackson),以及參與過電影《第九禁區》的沙托卡普利(Sharlto Copley)來詮釋。



※ 更多最新、最豐富的娛樂資訊,請上 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 官網 ~~ 










A new movie <THE A—TEAM> follows the exciting and daring exploits of a colorful team of former Special Forces soldiers who were set up for a crime they did not commit.

Going “rogue,” they utilize their unique talents to try and clear their names and find the true culprit.

Liam Neeson (“Taken”), Bradley Cooper (“The Hangover”), mixed martial arts champ Quinton “Rampage” Jackson, and “District 9” sensation Sharlto Copley, are “The A—Team.”



 The original article was taken from Reuters Website.







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