






亞當山德勒(Adam Sandler)的最新喜劇電影《亞當等大人(Grown Ups)》,於623日在紐約舉行首映會。為了力抗令人汗流不止的酷暑,首映會選在清涼的游泳池畔舉行,現場不僅以許多能漂浮在水上的道具來點綴,更特別的是,這些漂浮道具還另有玄機,原來裡頭藏有一張張片中演員小時候的照片。

電影《亞當等大人》,是由亞當山德勒、凱文詹姆斯(Kevin James)、克裡斯洛克(Chris Rock)、大衛史派德(David Spade)與勞柏許奈德(Rob Schneider)五人攜手演出,內容描寫五個大男人從小就是好朋友,不過對於彼此的家人卻未曾謀面,74日的週末是他們與彼此家人的首次聚會。

在過程中,五個人找出了是什麼因素停止了他們之間的孩提友誼,並且瞭解到身體轉變成大人,並不等同於心智上的成熟。那麼,到底是長大還是當個小孩比較有趣呢? 勞柏許奈德說:「當然是長大成人。成人可以做更多的事情,得到更多的東西,你可以開車到許多地方去,可以到外頭享受美食,可以大口大口的痛快飲酒,這可有趣多了。我的童年很無聊,我是年紀最小的。我的父母在我還在成長的過程裡就退休了。當我還是個小孩的時候,除了一直流覽電視頻道外,根本沒有其他的事可作。」


談到要從五位當中選出最搞笑的一位來時,片中飾演山德勒妻子的女星莎瑪‧海耶克(Salma Hayek)表示太難決定了。海耶克說:「這很難回答,他們各領風騷。有時候,克裡斯洛克會把笑點寫下來作為預備之用,他非常的風趣,應該說他們每個人都非常風趣。然後你知道的,他們知道以後,就會再把這個笑點接續下去,一個接一個,甚至停不下來。」




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A very 'grown up' cast hit the red carpet for the New York premiere of the new Adam Sandler comedy 'Grown Ups' on Wednesday (June 23). Cast members braved the sweltering heat against a backdrop of swimming pool floating devices featuring their childhood photographs, inside. 

'Grown Ups' tells the story of five men, played by Adam Sandler, Kevin James, Chris Rock, David Spade and Rob Schneider, who were best friends as kids, and are now getting together for the Fourth of July weekend to meet each others' families for the first time. 

Picking up where their childhood friendships left off, the group discover why growing older doesn't mean growing up.  So what's more fun - being a grown up, or a kid?  "Being a grown up. A grown up you can do more, you can do more, you can get stuff, you can drive places, you can go eat, you can get booze, it's way more fun. My childhood was boring. I was the youngest, my parents retired by the time I was growing up, you know, if you weren't surfing there was nothing else to do when I was a kid," Rob Schneider told Reuters. 

Comedian-Actor Chris Rock said he enjoyed having his childhood photograph splashed across the media as part of the film's promotion - even if the photographer that took the photo, didn't. 

As for which of the five cast members was the funniest, actress Salma Hayek, who plays Sandler's wife in the film, said it hard to decide. "It's tough to tell. You know, they all have their days. Sometimes Chris Rock would write them down and come really well prepared, he was very funny, but they were all very, very funny. And you know, they know it, so they go one take, another, another, another, they don't even cut, they do one joke after another after another," Hayek said. 

'Grown Ups' opens across North America on June 25. 



 The original article was taken from Reuters Website.




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