曾經榮獲奧斯卡獎肯定的女星妮可基嫚(Nicole Kidman),5月20號在老公齊斯艾本(Keith Urban)的陪伴下,抵達位於香港中心的萬寧屋(Manning House),為歐米茄(Omega)在當地新開的精品店站台,而妮可基嫚同時也是這間手錶公司的品牌代言人之一。
稍後,兩人一同出席由歐米茄在四季飯店(Four Seasons Hotel)所舉行的〝眾星雲集之夜(A Night with the Stars)〞慈善晚宴。據聞,晚宴的每一桌價值高達一萬三千美元,而募集來的善款將撥入聯合國婦女發展基金會(United Nations Development Fund for Women ; UNIFEM)。此外,妮可基嫚也是該基金會的善心大使。
※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 」
Nicole Kidman and husband Keith Urban visited Hong Kong on Thursday (May 20) where the Oscar winning actress opened a new Omega boutique at Manning House in Central Hong Kong. She is a brand ambassador for the watch company.
Her husband Keith Urban then joined her at "A Night with the Stars," a charity gala presented by Omega at the Four Seasons Hotel. Proceeds from the dinner, which costs almost 13,000 U.S. dollars per table, will go to the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) programme, of which Kidman is the Goodwill Ambassador.
Kidman spoke briefly to press before the celebrity studded bash. "And UNIFEM is probably my passion in life in terms of one of my purposes in life is women's rights and gender equality. And they (Omega) have supported-- everywhere we've gone they've always done an event to support UNIFEM and their philanthropic heart is big," Kidman said. "So tonight they've put together a jazz club and I coaxed my husband into performing."
When asked how she kept her marriage to country singer Urban happy, she answered: "Being together, I think not being separated. We make an enormous effort to never be separated for more than three days and even that's too long. Life is short."
Kidman's Limited Edition Constellation watch was set to be auctioned off at the gala of around 200 guests.
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website.