第三十屆全英音樂獎(BRITS)於2月16日在倫敦伯爵會場(Earls Court)盛大舉辦。被喻為英國最佳女藝人的莉莉艾倫(Lily Allen),在身穿粉色迷彩服、手持機關槍與英國國旗傘的男舞群的簇擁下,以一曲《沒在怕(The Fear)》,為當晚典禮揭開序幕。
身為本屆最佳英國團體獎得主之一的獨立搖滾樂團〝卡薩比恩(Kasabian)〞,除了佇立在火焰之牆後獻唱自己的單曲《Fire》外,也表演了英國偶像團體JLS的單曲《Beat Again》,演唱時,舞台上高懸著四具十字架。
頭戴鬼魅般嘉年華頭飾、身著清涼蕾絲服的流行歌手女神卡卡(Lady Gaga),除了抱走國際女歌手與國際突破獎外,還以專輯《超人氣(The Fame)》奪下最佳國際專輯獎,只要有獲得提名就得獎,非常厲害。而在典禮現場,曾經稱霸英國音樂排行榜長達12個月的女神卡卡,特別為不久前過世的時裝設計師亞歷山大麥昆 (Alexander McQueen)現場演唱,以表達悼念之意。
在2008年電視才藝節目〝The X Factor〞獲得第二名因而出道的英國男孩團體JLS,在去年一整年表現亮眼,不僅有好幾支單曲拿下冠軍,同時還有一張榮登銷售榜榜首的專輯,而在本屆全英音樂獎裡,不僅抱走了最佳英國團體獎,並且以單曲《Beat Again》,奪下最佳英國單曲獎。
由於成功的從饒舌歌手轉型為真正的流行樂手,迪利瑞斯可(Dizzee Rascal) 獲得最佳英國男歌手的提名。當晚的頒獎典禮對於嘻哈音樂來說,也別具意義。美國饒舌歌手傑斯(Jay-Z)贏得國際男歌手獎,並且和艾莉西亞凱斯(Alicia Keys)現場表演充滿震撼力的暢銷單曲《Empire State of Mind》。
此外,綠洲合唱團主唱連恩蓋勒佛(Liam Gallagher),為典禮當晚製造了一點小驚喜,在以1995年所發行的專輯《晨光榮耀((What's the Story) Morning Glory)》拿下全英音樂獎30周年最佳專輯獎後,連恩把自己的手機跟獎座拋給了觀眾。而曾經拿下最佳男歌手獎的羅比威廉斯(Robbie Williams),則是獲頒傑出貢獻獎。
※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
STORY: The 30th BRITS - British pop music industry's flagship ceremony, the first international act to do so for five years, were held on Tuesday February 16th.
Lily Allen, who was crowned best British female artist, opened the night with a rendition of "The Fear", backed by male dancers who dropped to the stage dressed in pink camouflage, brandishing machine guns and Union Jack umbrellas.
Indie rockers Kasabian, winners of best British group, played their song "Fire" behind a wall of flames and the four members of JLS began "Beat Again" as four crucifixes hung high above the stage.
Glam pop artist Lady Gaga won a trio of awards. Gaga, dressed in a ghostly carnival headdress and skimpy lace outfit, picked up awards for International Female Solo Artist, International Breakthrough Act and Best International Album for "The Fame", winning every category in which she was nominated. The singer, on top of the British music charts for most of the last 12 months, dedicated an eerie live performance to fashion designer Alexander McQueen, who died last week.
British boy band JLS, who finished second in TV talent show "The X Factor" in 2008, polished off a year of number one singles and a top-selling album with two awards -- best British group and best British single for "Beat Again".
Dizzee Rascal was named best British male, capping his successful transition from rapper to bona fide pop star. It was a big night for hip hop. U.S. rapper Jay-Z won the International Male Solo Artist award and delivered a powerful rendition of his hit "Empire State of Mind" with Alicia Keys.
The event, which has been criticised for failing to recognise artists beyond the major labels, brings together hordes of record company executives, artists and hangers-on to celebrate the previous year's successes at London's Earls Court.
Undeterred by a wet winter's night, hundreds of star-struck fans toughed it out outside the west London venue hoping to catch a glimpse of their idols. The event has become known for overblown performances by the winning artists.
Oasis singer Liam Gallagher produced the night's only moment of mischief, tossing his microphone and award into the crowd after accepting the BRITs Album of 30 Years for their 1995 album "(What's the Story) Morning Glory?". Robbie Williams, who went on to success as a solo artist, received an Outstanding Contribution to Music award.