







第十九屆首爾歌謠大賞(High1 Seoul Music Awards),於23日在韓國的首爾奧林匹克公園圍籬運動場(Seoul Olympic Park Fencing Stadium)舉行。晚會當晚眾星雲集,包括了少女時代(Girls’ Generation)Super Junior、孫丹菲(Son Dambi)SHINeeBEAST與褐眼女孩(Brown Eyed Girls)等等,為現場觀眾帶來了精彩的勁歌熱舞。

上一屆首爾歌謠大賞的最高榮譽大賞,頒給了女子團體Wonder Girls,而本屆則由眾望所歸的少女時代取得,她們同時也獲得了本賞的肯定。此外,少女時代的最新單曲《Oh!》,可望再度重新攻佔韓國流行音樂排行榜。

Oh!》這首單曲是同名專輯裡頭的第一首歌,而這張專輯是女子團體少女時代所發行的第二張專輯。當時《Oh!》這首單曲發行時,不到數分鐘之久,立刻奪下韓國數位單曲榜的冠軍寶座,比少女時代先前自己所發行的單曲《Tell Me Your Wish》與《Gee》還要快速。


※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 」







※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website.  ( 原文取自路透社網站 )





The 19th High1 Seoul Music Awards took place on 3rd February in Seoul Olympic Park Fencing Stadium, Korea. It was an superb night of awards and spectacular performances put on by all of the greatest idols at the 19th High1 Seoul Music Awards. Girls’ Generation, Super Junior, Son Dambi, SHINee, BEAST, Brown Eyed Girls, T-ara, Kara and many others made it out this night.

Last year, the Wonder Girls took home the biggest award of the night, the大賞. As expected Girls’ Generation won big, snatching the venerable 大賞award. They also received the 本賞. Girls’ Generation looks to take over the Korean Pop charts again with their latest single "Oh!".

"Oh!", the title track of their second new full-length album of the same name, had the top spot on Korean digital singles chart a few minutes after its release. It reached that position faster than Girls’ Generation's previous song "Tell Me Your Wish"and "Gee".





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