(本圖取自 Sony Music 西洋部落格)
惠妮‧休斯頓帶著她睽違了六年的全新專輯,在倫敦文華東方酒店(Mandarin Oriental hotel) 舉行試聽會,現場有大批音樂媒體記者守候。在試聽會上,惠妮穿著一襲出自時裝品牌杜加班納 (Dolce & Gabbana) 的灰色豹紋洋裝亮相,非常有節奏藍調女伶的架勢。
今年早些時候,以發掘、栽培流行女歌手而享負盛名的索尼音樂公司(Sony Music)創意總監克里夫‧戴維斯 (Clive Davis),在年度葛萊美前派對上,談論關於惠妮‧休斯頓 (Whitney Houston) 的歌唱表現。戴維斯說:「我相當緊張,因為惠妮‧休斯頓有很長一段時間沒在大家面前表演了。她還仍勝任嗎?她確實做到了。」(show 8)
至於惠妮新專輯的名稱,克里夫‧戴維斯說:「我們一起決定《我望著你(I Look To You)》會是最適合的,而且也最能傳達出惠妮過去七年來的心情寫照。」(show 10)
今年四十五歲的惠妮,是一位傑出的女性音樂人,從1985年起展開她的演藝生涯,曾獲得四百多項獎座的肯定,全球專輯、單曲及音樂錄影帶的總銷售量,超過一億七千萬張。而惠妮最廣為人傳的暢銷單曲,有《我將如何知道(How Will I Know)》、《最偉大的愛(Greatest Love of All)》,以及來自九二年由惠妮所主演電影《終極保鑣 (The Bodyguard)》裡頭的單曲《我將永遠愛你(I Will Always Love You)》。近年來,惠妮因為私生活而多次成為報紙頭條,包括進入勒戒所以及2007年時與巴比‧布朗(Bobby Brown) 離婚。
由知名製作人包括阿肯(Akon)、R. Kelly等人所操刀的惠妮新專輯《我望著你(I Look To You)》,其預定發行日期,澳大利亞是八月二十八日,英國是八月三十一日,美國則是九月一日。
※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
INTRO: Whitney Houston plays preview of first album in six years to a select audience. Whitney Houston plays her much-anticipated comeback album before an audience of music journalists in London.
STORY: At the album playback at London's Mandarin Oriental hotel, Clive Davis, Sony Music's Chief Creative Officer and the man credited for discovering and nurturing the career of the pop diva talked about her performance at his annual pre-Grammy party earlier this year.
"I was pure nervousy because the closing act was going to be Whitney Houston and nobody had seen her perform in such a long time. We heard the beat to 'It's Not Right But It's Okay'. The place went nuts. Can she still do it? And she did it," he said. (show 8)
He also revealed the album's title: "We both decided 'I Look To You' would be a great title for the album and Whitney's reflection, she said the last seven years, spiritually, it says all I want to say."(show 10)
As Houston took to the stage in a grey Dolce & Gabbana leopard print dress, she looked every inch the R&B diva -- a talented but troubled star.
Since her career kicked off in 1985 with her self-titled debut, Houston has sold more than 170 million records, singles and videos around the world. Houston, 45, is one of music's most decorated female artists, with more than 400 awards. Trained as a gospel singer, some of Houston's best-known hits include "How Will I Know," "Greatest Love of All," and "I Will Always Love You" from the 1992 movie "The Bodyguard," in which she also starred. In recent years, she made headlines for her troubled personal life, including stints in rehab and a 2007 divorce from husband Bobby Brown.
"I Look To You" includes tracks by producers Akon and R. Kelly and is set for release on August 28 in Australia, August 31 in the United Kingdom and September 1 in the United States.