每年在全歐洲最多人收看的電視節目歐洲歌唱大賽(Eurovision Song Contest),今年在莫斯科 (Moscow) 舉辦第五十四屆,由代表挪威 (Norway) 出賽的艾列克斯安德爾‧瑞貝克 (Alexander Rybak),以一曲〝童話故事 (Fairytale)〞擊敗其他二十四位參賽者。瑞貝克獲得了387分創下新高記錄,遠遠領先冰島 (Iceland) 的218分以及亞塞拜然 (Azerbaijan) 的207分,而這也是挪威第三度奪冠。
在比賽後的記者會上,瑞貝克很高興的說:「我以前曾說過比賽輸贏不重要,只要能讓挪威在歐洲歌唱大賽上揚名就好,不過我心意有點改變了,輸贏很重要。我們贏了而且挪威出頭天了,我們計劃2010年要到挪威去。」(show 23)
今年二十三歲、頂著一頭鬆散頭髮的瑞貝克是白俄羅斯人 (Belarusian),卻在挪威奧斯陸 (Oslo) 的郊區長大。瑞貝克在決賽前就很受觀眾喜愛,而在決賽中,他以迷人的嗓音以及充滿魅力的小提琴演奏技巧,頻頻向觀眾放電。至於參賽歌曲〝童話故事 (Fairytale)〞則是由瑞貝克所創作,他表示靈感源自挪威的傳統童話故事,並融入一些現代的巧思而成。
在被問到為何能奪冠時,瑞貝克回答說:「俄羅斯民族喜歡懷舊與憂鬱的基調,而挪威人則是世界上最快樂的人,把這兩者混合在一塊很顯然的就是致勝之道。」(show 27)
據了解為了舉辦這次為期五天的歐洲歌唱大賽,莫斯科投注了四百二十萬美元,是有史以來花費最多的一屆。和往常一樣參賽者的水平有高有低,不過也有極少數相當知名的明星前來湊一腳,像是以創作音樂劇聞名的安德魯‧勞埃德‧韋伯 (Andrew Lloyd Webber),就為英國隊寫歌填詞;此外,來自美國性感火辣的舞孃蒂塔‧萬提斯 (Dita von Teese),則是為德國隊出力。
※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
INTRO: Norway wins 54th Eurovision Song Contest. The Norwegian fairytale comes true as singer Alexander Rybak from Oslo wins the Eurovision Song Contest with a record-breaking set of points.
STORY: Norway won the 54th Eurovision Song Contest early on Sunday (May 17) in Moscow, when singer Alexander Rybak beat 24 other contestants with his song "Fairytale". Rybak scored a record 387 points, beating Iceland with 218 points and Azerbaijan with 207 points. It was the third time Norway has won the competition, one of the most watched television shows in Europe every year.
"I said that it doesn't matter actually if we win or not, because it is all about getting Norway on the Eurovision map but I kind of changed my mind. It does matter. And well, we won and Norway is really on the map because we are going to Norway in 2010," said an overjoyed Rybak at the post-tournament news conference. (show 23)
The floppy-haired Rybak, a 23-year-old ethnic Belarussian who grew up outside Oslo, had been the pre-tournament favourite and he wooed the crowd with his singing and violin playing in the final at a stadium built for the 1980 Olympic Games.
In an interview with Reuters before the competition started Rybak -- who composes his own music -- said the song was based on a traditional Norwegian fairytale but with a modern twist.
Asked at the news conference why he thought he had won, Rybak answered: "In Russia they like the nostalgia and melancholy while in Norway we are the happiest people in the world and the mix of those two things was success obviously." (show 27)
Moscow was reported to have spent $42 million on the five-day event, making it the most expensive competition in Eurovision's history. As usual glitz and kitsch dominated the show. But there was also a smattering of well-established stars. Andrew Lloyd Webber, famed for his successful musicals, composed the British entry and U.S. burlesque dancer Dita von Teese played a supporting role in the German song.
Politics also bubbled to the surface of this year's competition. Organisers banned Georgia's entry earlier this year because its song was considered a political jab at Russia, with which it fought a brief war last August.
As winner, Norway will host the next Eurovision Song Contest.