位於阿拉伯半島東部的國家卡達 (Qatar),十月二十九日到十一月一日,在首都杜哈 (Doha) 別開生面的舉辦紐約翠貝卡電影節 (Tribeca Film Festival),許多影視名流例如勞勃狄尼洛 (Robert DeNiro)、班金斯利 (Ben Kingsley)與蜜拉娜雅(Mira Nair),都前來共襄盛舉。
本屆翠貝卡電影節共有三十三部影片參展,其中十二部以中東地區作為題材,而備受蜜拉娜雅所推崇的電影《艾蜜利亞(Amelia)》,則作為本屆電影節的開幕影片。此外,參展影片《教訓(An Education)》、《哈利布朗 (Harry Brown)》、《無名之人 (Sin Nombre)》與《時尚惡魔的聖經(The September Issue)》等,則是首度在中東地區亮相。
翠貝卡電影節的創意總監、同時也曾任日舞電影節(the Sundance Film festival)主席的傑弗瑞‧吉摩爾 (Geoff Gilmore)表示,參展影片都是一時之選。吉摩爾說:「我們對此深感榮幸,能跳脫既有框柩,讓品質優異而不同面向的作品參展,同時也兼具一系列國家性或區域性的電影,並讓知名或默默無聞製片者的影片都參與其中。」
吉摩爾也表示,翠貝卡電影節實際上也是一種文化交流合作,而非僅止於把美國的電影帶到當地來。吉摩爾說:「從內容、流程與長遠目標來看,翠貝卡電影節是一種合作關係。由莎卡‧埃爾‧瑪雅莎(Sheika Al Mayassa)及夥伴所創立的篩選標準,把翠貝卡電影節視為是建立卡達杜哈當地電影文化的交流平台,同時也將有助於當地電影工業的發展。從許多方面來看,我認為這是一個發現新秀的管道。」
導演蜜拉娜雅以艾蜜莉亞埃爾哈特(Amelia Earhart)的故事為藍本,拍攝而成的傳記電影,在一條高科技數位紅地毯的陪襯下,於露天戲院上映。娜雅說:「我覺的艾蜜莉亞的傳奇故事,將在這個地區,被那些想為這個世界貢獻心力的人們所津津樂道」。
翠貝卡電影節的相關活動,還包括一系列以推動電影文化與產業為目標的專門小組,其中包括邀請大師級的導演如蜜拉娜雅與丹尼鮑伊(Danny Boyle)等開班授課,和製片者暢談經歷與經驗分享。
娜雅表示在課程中,希望能為她自己在東非設立的製片學校麥沙(Maisha),在卡達這個國家打下基礎。此外,主演電影《開羅時光(Cairo Time)》的派翠西亞克拉森(Patricia Clarkson),以及埃及女星優絲菈(Yousra),也都會出席為期四天的翠貝卡電影節。
雖然電影節主要活動是在名建築師貝聿銘(I.M. Pei)所設計的伊斯蘭藝術博物館舉辦,不過參展電影會在不同的室外場地放映。而本屆翠貝卡電影節的高潮,將由兩組特別評審團,評選出最優異的國際電影與中東電影,並頒給五萬美元的獎金。
※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
INTRO: Doha gets ready for the stars as the Doha Tribeca Film Festival gets set to kicks off on October 29. Doha prepares to make its marks on the film festival circuit when the Doha Tribeca Film Festival kicks off on October 29th with a screening of Mira Nair's "Amelia."
STORY: Doha is getting ready to greet the stars. Robert DeNiro, Ben Kingsley and Mira Nair will walk the red carpet at Qatar's first major film festival, The Doha Tribeca Film Festival. The festival is based on a partnership between the Qatari government and New York's Tribeca Film Festival, which was founded by Robert DeNiro after the September 11, 2001 attacks on New York.
Thirty-three films are in the line-up, 12 of which have roots in the middle East. Mira Nair's highly anticipated "Amelia," will open the festival. Among the titles making their Middle Eastern premiere, include "An Education," "Harry Brown," "Sin Nombre" and "The September Issue."
Geoff Gilmore, the chief creative officer for Tribeca Enterprises and former director of the Sundance Film festival, says he thinks the line up at the inaugural event is top notch. "We're really proud of it, I mean we went out of our way to show quality work and diverse work and to really choose a spectrum of film making that was both national and regional, that was both from established film makers and from unknowns, from people who appear a pure discovery," Gilmore said.
Gilmore says the festival is a true cultural partnership and not about "us bringing films from Tribeca to the gulf." "This was a partnership both in terms of its program and its agenda. In terms of its long-term vision, it was founded with the right sensibilities by Sheika Al Mayassa and her colleagues who saw this as a platform to build film culture in the region, in Doha and Qatar, for helping develop a film industry and in many ways I think to become a platform of discovery for new talent," Gilmore added.
Director Mira Nair's biopic about Amelia Earhart will be shown at an open air theater and will have a high-tech digital red carpet. "I feel like Amelia's tale will speak volumes to many of the women and men in that region who are seeking aspiration to become an engaged part of this world today," said Nair.
Festival activities will include a series of panels aimed at fostering an active cinema-going culture as well as a film industry. Part of the program includes master classes featuring talks with film makers including Nair and Danny Boyle. Nair says in the class she hopes to lay the foundation to bring Maisha, her film school in East Africa to Qatar. Patricia Clarkson, who stars in "Cairo Time" and Egyptian actress Yousra are also expect to attend the 4-day event.
Films will be screened at various outdoor locations, while festival activities will be held at the Islamic museum of Doha's I.M. Pei designed building. The festival will culminate with two special jury prizes of 50,000 dollars (USD), awarded to the best international film and the best Middle Eastern film.
The Doha Tribeca Film Festival runs October 29-November 1st.