由莫妮卡‧阿里(Monica Ali)所創作的暢銷小說〝布里克巷(Brick Lane)〞,改編成同名電影躍上大螢幕,在10月26日於倫敦電影節上進行首映。小說〝布里克巷〞雖然是阿里初聲試啼之作,卻在2003年時入圍英國布克獎(the Booker Prize for Fiction)。小說故事的主人翁是一位來自便革雷迪緒村(Bangladeshi village)的十七歲女孩,名叫娜茲寜(Nazneen),她因為被安排與一位老先生結婚而前往倫敦。而在電影版中,則將故事背景設定在充滿命運轉折的2001年,由坦妮絲塔恰特潔(Tannishtha Chatterjee)所飾演的娜茲寜,在經過幾年的犧牲、奉獻後,已經成為兩個孩子母親的她,卻在此時找到了自我、生命的動力與人生的願望。
由於熱情洋溢的卡倫(Karim)走入了娜茲寜的生命裡,讓娜茲寜的一切都改變了。就在娜茲寜獲得一台縫紉機後,由克里斯托芬•辛普森(Christopher Simpson)所飾演的卡倫,提供了縫補男褲的工作給娜茲寜。在當時的英國社會,普遍具有反穆斯林的情緒,並且對於種族偏執感到不滿,而卡倫正是這樣的一個人。儘管躊躇不定卻又興奮不已,娜茲寜對卡淪陷入熱戀之中,然而這份對於卡倫的愛能夠拯救娜茲寜嗎?
首次擔任導演工作的莎拉‧嘎芙倫表示:「布里克巷是個以女性作為主軸的故事,所以我能感受到它所傳遞出來的情感訊息。當我在導這部電影時,我覺得自己能夠體會故事主角的心境。這是個在描述娜茲寜追尋自己安身立命所在的故事」。【shows 5】
對於全體演員與工作人員來說,電影拍攝工作是個艱辛的過程,因為有一些來自孟加拉社區的成員進行抗議,試圖停擺電影拍攝。這些抗議人士擔憂這部電影在東倫敦的移民區取景。也因此,導演嘎芙倫被迫將部分電影場景,搬移到兩英哩外比較安全的地方進行。除此之外,在倫敦進行首映之前,這部電影在宣傳上也遭遇到困難。由於查爾斯王子的緣故,讓一部描寫英國皇室的影片與電影〝布里克巷〞的檔期相衝突,電影經銷商直到最後一刻才勉強讓電影〝布里克巷〞在倫敦電影節上進行首映。導演嘎芙倫對此表示:「我們很高興這部電影能在倫敦電影節中亮相,因為這是一部關於倫敦本地的電影,而且也是在倫敦當地進行拍攝。所以對於這部電影來說,能參展倫敦電影節,是最適合不過的了」。【shows 7】
印度當地知名喜劇演員,同時也是電影導演的賽地斯‧喀席柯(Satish Kaushik),在電影〝布里克巷〞中巧妙地詮釋娜茲寜的丈夫查努(Chanu)一角。電影中的查努,是個和藹又浮誇的人,內心充滿許多無法實現的計畫,並且深信未來終有成功的一天。對於他那可愛又寂寞的妻子娜茲寜而言,查努並不是一個匹配的對象,不僅過胖、太老,而且常惹人生氣,完全不了解自己的缺點。喀席柯說:「對我而言,演戲讓我充滿熱情,戲劇對我是種挑戰。而在電影〝布里克巷〞中飾演查努這樣的一個角色,更是如此」。【shows 12】
由於歌手莉莉‧艾倫(Lily Allen)的母親是電影〝布里克巷〞的製片,為了表示自己對於家人的支持,艾倫與胞弟艾爾菲(Alfie)也在電影中亮相。原先艾倫與馬克朗森(Mark Ronson)計畫在倫敦進行公開演唱,不過最後艾倫並未現身。艾倫表示:「我還沒有確定要進行公演,而且我尚未收到正式邀請」。【shows 21】
※ 正式定稿與影像:「新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
INTRO: Despite protests, Brick Lane - the international best-seller turned into a movie - premieres in London. Lily Allen joined cast and crew for the UK premiere of the controversial movie.
STORY: Despite a few obstacles, Monica Ali's best-selling novel adapted for the big screen "Brick Lane" premiered at the London Film Festival on Friday (October 26). Ali's debut novel was shortlisted for the Booker Prize for Fiction in the United Kingdom in 2003. Where her book follows the life of Nazneen, a Bangladeshi village girl who moves to London at age 17 for an arranged marriage to an older man, the film version chooses to focus on a single fateful year, 2001, to capture the essence of how Nazneen (Tannishtha Chatterjee), now a mother of two daughters, finds her identity, her strength and her voice after years of self-sacrifice.
Then everything changes for Nazneen when the passionate Karim (Christopher Simpson) enters her life. Nazneen had acquired a sewing machine, and Karim brings her work in the form of men's pants to stitch. He is much more assimilated into British culture yet is angry at the racial intolerance and anti-Muslim sentiment rife in that society. Hesitantly yet excitedly, Nazneen falls into an ardent affair with Karim. For a time, she and her sister no longer live such different lives. Can this love for Karim save her?
"Brick Lane is very much a woman's story so I emotionally connect with material when I direct it and I felt enormously connect to this story because it's the story of Naznreen trying to find her place in the world," said Sarah Gavron, who made her feature film debut.【shows 5】
Production was an uphill battle for cast and crew after protests from a few members of the Bengali community tried to halt filming. They were worried about the portrayal of the immigrant neighbourhood in east London. Gavron was forced to move parts of the set to a safer housing estate two miles away. In addition, the movie garnered a storm of publicity before it premiered in London after Prince Charles pulled out of a royal film performance, citing conflicting schedules. Distributors scrambled at the last minute to premiere the movie at the festival, a move which Gavron said was appropriate, given the film's setting. "It was a disappointment because we were very excited about the royals coming to the film that's about the world we live in today. However we're delighted to be at the London Film Festival because it's a movie about London, made in London so it's really the perfect platform for it," said Gavron. 【shows 7】
Satish Kaushik, a well-known comic actor and film director in India, is wonderfully cast as her husband, Chanu, a character of Dickensian richness. He is pompous and kind, full of plans that never pan out and convinced of future success when all signs indicate otherwise. Chanu is a poor match for his lovely and lonely wife. He is overweight, too old and exasperating yet completely unaware of any shortcomings: "For me, acting is a very passionate thing. So for me, drama is a challenge and playing Chanu in 'Brick Lane', he was such a multi-layered character," Kaushik told Reuters Television.【shows 12】
Singer Lily Allen made an appearance with younger brother Alfie, who has come to be a celebrity in his own right since his the singer penned a track in his honour. Allen's mother was the producer behind the film and the singer said the family wanted to come down to show their support. Earlier in the week, Allen was scheduled to sing with producer Mark Ronsonat a London gig but didn't show up saying: "I was never confirmed to do it. So people said I put my name on it and I was never officially asked." 【shows 21】
"Brick Lane" will be released across the United Kingdom on November 16.
由莫妮卡‧阿里(Monica Ali)所創作的暢銷小說〝布里克巷(Brick Lane)〞,改編成同名電影搬上大螢幕,在10月26日於倫敦電影節上進行首映。小說〝布里克巷〞雖然是阿里初聲試啼(註1) 之作,卻在2003年時入圍英國布克獎(the Booker Prize for Fiction)。小說故事的主人翁是一位來自孟加拉鄉村(Bangladeshi village)的十七歲女孩,名叫娜茲寧(Nazneen),她因為被安排跟大他20歲的中年男子結婚而前往倫敦。而在電影版中,則將故事背景設定在充滿命運轉折的2001年,由坦妮絲塔‧恰特潔(Tannishtha Chatterjee)所飾演的娜茲寧,在經過幾年的犧牲、奉獻後,已經成為兩個孩子母親的她,卻在此時找到了自我、生命的動力與人生的願望。
由於熱情洋溢的卡倫(Karim)走入了娜茲寧的生命裡,讓娜茲寧的一切都改變了。就在娜茲寧獲得一台縫紉機後,由克里斯托芬‧辛普森(Christopher Simpson)所飾演的卡倫,提供娜茲寧縫補男褲的工作。卡倫比較融入英國社會,但對當時社會上普遍的反穆斯林情緒及種族偏執感到不滿(註3)。儘管躊躇不定卻又興奮不已,娜茲寧對卡淪陷入熱戀之中,然而這份對於卡倫的愛能夠拯救娜茲寧嗎?
首次擔任導演工作的莎拉‧嘎芙倫(Sarah Gavron)表示:「布里克巷是個以女性作為主軸的故事,所以我能感受到它所傳遞出來的情感訊息。當我在導這部電影時,我覺得自己能夠體會故事主角的心境。這是個在描述娜茲寧追尋自己安身立命所在的故事。」【shows 5】
除此之外,在倫敦進行首映之前,這部電影也掀起了如暴風般的人氣。因為查爾斯王子由於時間衝突的緣故,取消了今年原本計畫播放〝布里克巷〞的"皇室電影賞析"(註2),電影經銷商直到最後一刻才倉促的讓〝布里克巷〞在倫敦電影節上進行首映。導演嘎芙倫對此表示:「我們蠻失望的,因為我們本來對皇室成員能看到這部電影感到很興奮,但是我們還是很高興這部電影能在倫敦電影節中亮相,因為這是一部關於倫敦本地的電影,而且也在倫敦當地進行拍攝。所以對於這部電影來說,能參展倫敦電影節,是最適合不過的了。」 【shows 7】
印度當地知名喜劇演員,同時也是電影導演的賽地斯‧喀席柯(Satish Kaushik),在電影〝布里克巷〞中巧妙地詮釋娜茲寧的丈夫查努(Chanu)一角。電影中的查努,是個和藹又浮誇的人,內心充滿許多無法實現的計畫,並且自認未來終有成功的一天。
對於他那可愛又寂寞的妻子娜茲寧而言,查努並不是一個匹配的對象,不僅過胖、太老,而且常惹人生氣,完全不了解自己的缺點。喀席柯說:「對我而言,演戲讓我充滿熱情,戲劇對我是種挑戰。而在電影〝布里克巷〞中飾演像查努這樣一個多重性格的角色,更是如此。」【shows 12】
由於歌手莉莉‧艾倫(Lily Allen)的母親是電影〝布里克巷〞的製片,為了表示自己對於家人的支持,艾倫與胞弟艾爾菲(Alfie)也在電影中亮相。原先艾倫與馬克朗森(Mark Ronson)計畫在倫敦進行公開演唱,不過艾倫並未現身。艾倫表示:「我從沒確認要參與那次的演唱,而大家都說我把自己名字放在上面,但我從沒收到正式邀請」。【shows 21】
註1: 成語好像應該是"初試啼聲"?
註2: 我暫時先把"Royal Film Performance"翻成"皇室電影賞析", 因為一時還想,找不到比較好的譯名。至於那是什麼樣的活動, 我想下面我找到的這篇新聞應該可以給你一些idea, 所以我把文章的內容作了一些修改, 改的不好的地方, 麻煩你再做修正再寄出來, 謝謝
http://www.showbuzz.cbsnews.com/stories/2007/09/25/people_royalty/main3294913.shtml Prince Charles Snubs "Brick Lane" (AP) A meeting between the monarchy and multicultural Britain has ended in a mess. For only the second time in more than 60 years, the annual tradition known as the Royal Film Performance has been canceled. Organizers said Tuesday that an Oct. 29 gala screening of the British film "Brick Lane," which was to have been attended by Prince Charles, has been scrapped. "The date no longer fits in the royal diary," said Peter Hore, chief executive of the Cinema and Television Benevolent Fund, a performers' charity that organizes the event. "We very much regret there will be no Royal Film Performance 2007." Prince Charles' Clarence House office said the date and title of the royal screening had never been officially announced. A spokesman said several proposals had been studied, but "we couldn't find the right film at the right date." 註3: yet 有時可當"but" 來用, 我把原文改了一下(有底線的部分), 也許你就能比較了解了。 He is much more assimilated into British culture, but he is angry at the racial intolerance and anti-Muslim sentiment rife in that society.
Event Cancelled After His Office Says Schedule Prevents Him From Attending
※ 感謝 Amanda Liu 的悉心校正