因2009年主演電視劇《花樣男子(Boys Over Flowers)》而走紅的南韓偶像藝人李民浩( Lee Min-ho),為南韓某化妝品牌代言,二度造訪台灣,雖然只短暫停留十八個小時,仍有數百名熱情粉絲前往機場迎接他。
※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
INTRO: Korean actor Lee Min-ho arrives Taiwan. South Korean heartthrob and star of the drama "Boys Over Flowers", arrives in Taiwan to promote the Etude House brand.
STORY: Hundreds of fans welcomed South Korean idol Lee Min-ho at the airport in Taiwan on Friday (October 23) and followed him into the city for autographs at his second visit to the island.Lee, famed for his leading role in the 2009 drama, Boys Over Flowers, is on a 18-hour trip to promote a Korean cosmetic brand.
When asked about being man but endorsing female cosmetic products, Lee said that men need to take care of appearance too. "Men wearing smokey eye make up looks sexier, and I think sometimes when I take on a stronger role, it gives me a sharper look," said 22-year-old Lee, one of the many "pretty boy" idols with a clean and gentle image that is popular among Asian female fans.
While many worry that Lee's leg injury has not recovered from a car accident, he said it does not prevent him from delivering good acting. "It's not because I did not recover from the injury so that I have not accepted a new acting role. I want to present my audience with the best works. I am still reviewing scripts," said Lee.
Lee signed autographs at the fan-meeting event as hundreds crowded in to take photographs of him. Drama series from Korea are popular in Taiwan, where actors are invited to major entertainment awards and film set locations in the Korean dramas have become famous tourist destinations in recent years.