有超過四萬五千名的日本粉絲聚集在東京巨蛋(Tokyo Dome),再次感受韓國戲劇天王斐勇俊(Bae Yong-joon)與天后崔智友(Choi Ji-woo)的魅力。兩人這次一塊到日本來,為當年橫掃全亞洲的電視劇《冬季戀歌》動畫版,進行宣傳。
※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
INTRO: South Korean actor Bae Yong-joon excites Japanese fans during a promotional event of animation Winter Sonata.
STORY: More than 45,000 Japanese fans packed the Tokyo Dome on Tuesday (September 29) for the stage reunion of South Korean drama sensation Bae Yong-joon and Choi Ji-woo who were promoting the animation version of the big Asia-wide hit television drama Winter Sonata.
Bae, better known as Yonsama in Japan, gained his fame in Japan through the drama he starred in seven years ago, which was aired on NHK and encored three more times from 2003 to 2004 with explosive popularity among mid-aged female fans.
The animation version of the drama, where Bae and Choi voiced their own character Joon-sang and Yu-jin, includes extra stories and episodes not in the original.
Japanese fans who paid 8,925 yen ($100 U.S. dollars) for admission to this event, wooed and cooed when Bae hugged Choi under the artificial snow setting similar to that in the original drama. The finale of the event was marked with Bae and Choi riding giant balloons, reuniting in the air. The event was also live-broadcasted at 24 movie theaters across the country attracting another 10,000 fans.
During a press conference earlier that day, Bae said to reporters that the voicing over for the animation was a pleasant reminder of his first overseas hit drama. "More than anything else, I'm very happy that it brings back the warm feeling that I've felt during the filming of Winter Sonata. So, I enjoy the voice dubbing process now," said Bae
"I think my character in the animation is far cuter than I am, which gives me a hard time to act the cheerful voice during the voice dubbing," said Choi when asked how she liked her character in the animation movie, while Bae said he just loved looking younger.
"My character depicts me much younger than I am, and I'm very thankful for that," said Bae.
Bae also complimented the nature of animation movies saying it makes possible things that were not quite possible in television dramas. "This animation includes scenes in the U.S. and France, which could have been somewhat difficult to happen in television dramas, and I think it's a big merit of animations that they actualize various situations very easily," said Bae.
The 26-episodes series will be premiered from October 17 to April next year on Skyperfect.