


流行歌手碧昂絲諾里斯(Beyonce Knowles)與妹妹索蘭吉(Solange)一同前往日本,為日本知名流行品牌〝莎曼莎莎維莎(Samantha Thavasa)的系列新品站台。諾里斯姐妹從2004年起就為該品牌代言,在日本的流行雜誌、街頭廣告看板以及電視廣告,都能見到諾里斯姐妹代言該品牌商品的倩影。


除了為商品代言外,碧昂絲與索蘭吉此行還花了幾天的時間參觀了日本的風景名勝,並且在日本最盛大的現場音樂會Summer Sonic上一起表演。碧昂絲表示自己很期待即將到來的世界巡演,以及結束後的休假時光。碧昂絲說:「我即將展開世界巡演一直到明年為止,然後也許會休息一段時間,因為我已經持續辛苦工作好幾年了。不過我很熱愛我的演藝事業,因此通常我在度假時,還會偷偷溜進工作室裡去,我覺的自己很幸運能從事喜歡的工作。」(show 8)


對於這趟日本之行,碧昂絲與索蘭吉兩人都表示很享受一起到日本來的感覺。碧昂絲說:「我們設法共度一些時光,可惜兩人都忙於工作。這次我們能待在同一間飯店,每晚都跟妹妹以及她的兒子開睡衣派對,真的很棒。我們睡在同一張床上,一起醒來,一塊看卡通。我希望我們能夠理解日本文化,能讓姪子浸淫在美好的日本文化裡,是很棒的一件事。我們還一起去看相撲,這是這趟日本之旅中很棒的體驗。」(show 6)


為了宣傳最新專輯I Am ... Sasha Fierce〞,碧昂絲今年整個夏季都在北美各地巡迴表演,而在今年的秋天,碧昂絲即將展開她的世界巡演,足跡將遍及澳大利亞、南韓、日本、非洲與全歐洲。至於忙著籌備自己新專輯的索蘭吉,則表示很高興能跟自己的兒子共度這個夏天,索蘭吉說:「我很高興可以跟兒子共度這個夏天,並且經歷很棒的事情,像是到迪斯尼樂園去玩,光今年夏天就去了三次。我們還一起旅遊,並且在喬治亞州 (Georgia) 的鄉下地方待了幾個禮拜。我也打算在那為新專輯進行錄音,並且稍稍放鬆一下,直到我兒子新學期開始為止。」(show 8)


自從脫離女子團體天命真女樂團(Destiny's Child)後,碧昂絲的個人單飛演藝事業獲得極大迴響,她最新第三張專輯I Am ... Sasha Fierce〞裡頭的單曲〝單身女郎(Single Ladies)〞,更是奪下排行榜冠軍寶座。另一方面,碧昂絲最近也獲得MTV音樂錄影帶大獎(MTV Video Music Awards)的九項提名,其中在年度最佳流行MV的獎項,碧昂絲將以單身女郎(Single Ladies)〞,迎戰布蘭妮的〝愛情玩咖(Womanizer)〞與女神卡卡(Lady Gaga)的〝撲克臉(Poker Face)〞。




 ※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 」



 ※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website.  ( 原文取自路透社網站 )



INTRO: Pop diva Beyonce and her sister visit Japan.




STORY: Pop stars Beyonce Knowles and her younger sister, Solange, unveiled a new line of fashion items for a Japanese fashion brand on Monday (August 10) as the super sisters said they are fully enjoying their trip together in Japan.  

"We get to spend time together and both of us work so much. It's really really beautiful for us staying in the same hotel, actually we've been having slumber parties every night - me, her and my nephew, her son. We've all been sleeping in the same bed, waking up, watching cartoons," Beyonce told reporters in Chiba, Japan.(show 6)

"We wish we could understand, but it's really exciting to be able to know that that her son is being exposed to all of this wonderful culture and we were watching the sumo wrestlers and it's just been a really beautiful experience this trip," she added.

The fashion event was hosted by a popular Japanese fashion brand "Samantha Thavasa" in collaboration with Disney. The Knowles sisters have been modeling for the Japanese brand since 2004, making appearances in Japanese magazine spreads, billboards and TV commercials.

This time around, Beyonce and Solange are both visiting Japan for a few days as they performed together at one of Japan's biggest live concert events "Summer Sonic." Beyonce said she is looking forward to the upcoming world tour and a possible break after. "I'm gonna be touring until next year and then, I don't know, I might take a little break 'cause I've been working so hard for so many years. But I love what I do so usually when I'm on vacation, I sneak away to the studio and end up still working cos like I said, I feel very fortunate to do what I love," Beyonce said.(show 8)

In support of her latest, chart-topping album, "I Am ... Sasha Fierce," Beyonce has been touring across North America all summer, which was kicked off from New York's Madison Square Garden in June and recently wrapped up with a four-night residence at Encore at Wynn Las Vegas.

Beyonce starts her 2009 world tour this fall where she will be performing in Australia, Korea, Japan, Africa and all across Europe. Solange, who is also busy putting her album out, said she is already enjoying this summer with her son.

"I'm excited about you know taking this summer and me and my son have been doing a lot of great things this summer like Disneyland. We've gone three times this summer and traveling and we're actually going to the country in Georgia for couple of weeks and I'm gonna record there as well for my next album and just hang out, relax a little bit before the school year starts back for him," said Solange. (show 10)

Beyonce recently earned nine nominations for next month's MTV Video Music Awards as she competes with Lady Gaga and Britney for the honor of video of the year, with Beyonce earning a bid for "Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It), Lady Gaga for "Poker Face" and Britney Spears for "Womanizer."

Beyonce has enjoyed a hugely successful solo career since leaving the all-female group "Destiny's Child." Her third solo album, "I Am ... Sasha Fierce," had the No. 1 hit "Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)."






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