第六十一屆艾美獎 (Primetime Emmy Awards) 入圍名單在洛杉磯揭曉了,爆出許多新面孔,將一同來角逐這個美國電視圈的最高榮譽。
NBC電視台的影集《我為喜劇狂(30 Rock)》,一共獲得了最佳電視喜劇等22項提名,領先群倫,而劇中飾演女主角的蒂娜‧費(Tina Fey),也獲得本屆最佳女主角的提名。而在有線電視網AMC播出的《廣告狂人(Mad Men)》,則是獲得最佳戲劇等16項提名。而在上一屆的艾美獎中,這兩部影集也分別拿下該項類別的獎座。
一同角逐最佳戲劇類別獎項的,還包括有FX電視台法律影集《以法之名(Damages)》、有線電視網AMC的《致命毒師(Breaking Bad)》、付費頻道Showtime殺手系列影集《雙面法醫(Dexter)》、福斯電視台(Fox)醫界連續劇《怪醫豪斯(House)》,以及ABC電視台的《迷失(Lost)》
與《我為喜劇狂》同獲最佳喜劇提名的,還包括有HBO的《明星夥伴(Entourage)》、NBC電視台的《辦公室(The Office)》、來自付費頻道Showtime的《單身毒媽(Weeds)》,以及CBS電視台的《老爸老媽浪漫史(How I Met Your Mother)》。
在戲劇類最佳男主角的競爭上,來自影集《致命毒師》的布萊恩‧克蘭斯頓(Bryan Cranston)呼聲最高,片中的他是為化學老師,後來卻變成毒品交易商。此外,影集《廣告狂人》的喬‧漢姆(Jon Hamm)、《怪醫豪斯(House)》中飾演古怪醫生的侯‧羅利(Hugh Laurie)、來自《雙面法醫》的麥克爾‧豪爾(Michael C. Hall)、影集《捫心問診(In Treatment)》的蓋布瑞‧拜恩(Gabriel Byrne),以及CBS電視台最新犯罪影集《超感警探(The Mentalist)》中的賽門‧貝克(Simon Baker),都將共同角逐戲劇類最佳男主角這個獎項。
而戲劇類最佳女主角這個獎項,將由影集《以法之名》中飾演強悍律師的格倫‧可洛絲(Glenn Close)、《結案高手(The Closer)》中飾演刑事幹員的凱菈‧賽吉維克(Kyra Sedgwick)、《法律與秩序:特殊受害者(Law & Order: Special Victims Unit)》的瑪莉絲卡‧哈吉塔(Mariska Hargitay)、《家族風雲(Brothers and Sisters)》的莎莉‧菲爾德(Sally Field)、《拯救格蕾絲(Saving Grace)》的何麗‧杭特(Holly Hunter),以及《廣告狂人》的伊莉莎白‧莫斯(Elisabeth Moss),一同來爭奪該項獎座。
至於獲得喜劇類影集最佳男主角提名的,除了去年得主《我為喜劇狂》中的亞歷克‧包德溫(Alec Baldwin)外,還包括有:《生活大爆炸(The Big Bang Theory)》的吉姆‧帕森斯(Jim Parsons)、《好漢兩個半(Two and a Half Men)》的查理‧西恩(Charlie Sheen)、《辦公室》的史提夫‧卡爾(Steve Carell)、《神探阿蒙(Monk)》的托尼‧謝爾博(Tony Shalhoub)。
而在喜劇類影集最佳女主角提名方面,除了蒂娜‧費(Tina Fey)外,還有《俏媽新上路(The New Adventures of Old Christine)》的茱莉亞‧露易絲‧德利法絲(Julia Louis-Dreyfus)、《單身毒媽》的瑪莉‧路易斯‧帕克(Mary Louise Parker)、《重啟莎曼莎(Samantha Who?)》的克里斯提娜‧愛柏蓋特(Christina Applegate),以及《莎拉‧斯爾芙曼的節目(The Sarah Silverman Program)》的莎拉‧斯爾芙曼(Sarah Silverman),都獲得評審青睞,入圍該獎項得主候選名單。
第六十一屆艾美獎入圍名單,由ABC電視台影集《實習醫生格蕾(Grey's Anatomy)》中擔任女配角的錢德拉‧威爾森(Chandra Wilson)與男演員同時也是被提名人之一的吉姆‧帕森斯,以及全國電視藝術科學學會(The Board Of The Academy Of Television Arts And Sciences)主席約翰‧薩福樂(John Shaffner),共同揭曉。究竟最後鹿死誰手呢?將於九月二十日在洛杉磯艾美獎現場頒獎典禮上,為各位公布答案。
※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
INTRO: Nominations for the 61st annual Primetime Emmy Awards are announced in Los Angeles.
STORY:The Tina Fey comedy "30 Rock" and 1960s period drama "Mad Men" led the Primetime Emmy nominations on Thursday in a broad field full of fresh faces competing for U.S. television's highest honors.
NBC's "30 Rock" had a leading 22 nominations, including best TV comedy and best actress for Fey, who took the acting Emmy in 2007. "Mad Men" on cable channel AMC had 16 nominations, including best drama. Both shows won the Emmy in those categories last year.
Joining "Mad Men" in the best drama series category are FX's legal program "Damages," "Breaking Bad" on AMC, serial killer drama "Dexter" of Showtime, Fox medical series "House" and ABC's "Lost." Along with "30 Rock," comedy series nominations included HBO's "Entourage," NBC's "The Office," "Weeds" from Showtime and "How I Met Your Mother" on CBS.
In the race for best actor in a drama, Bryan Cranston will hope to repeat his surprise win last year for his role as a chemistry teacher turned drug dealer in "Breaking Bad." Jon Hamm of "Mad Men," cranky doctor Hugh Laurie of "House," Michael C. Hall for "Dexter" and Gabriel Byrne from "In Treatment," and Simon Baker of the new CBS crime show "The Mentalist," also are in the running.
Glenn Close, who plays a hard-bitten lawyer in "Damages," detective Kyra Sedgwick in "The Closer," Mariska Hargitay of "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit," Sally Field of ABC's "Brothers and Sisters," Holly Hunter from TNT's "Saving Grace," and Elisabeth Moss of "Mad Men" will compete in the best drama actress category.
Nominated for the lead actor in a comedy series were Jim Parsons of "The Big Bang Theory," last year's winner Alec Baldwin of "30 Rock," Charlie Sheen of the CBS comedy "Two and a Half Men," Steve Carell of the NBC hit "The Office," and Tony Shalhoub of cable channel USA's "Monk."
Joining Fey in the In the lead actress category for comedy series is Julia Louis-Dreyfus of the CBS show "The New Adventures of Old Christine," Mary Louise Parker of "Weeds," Christina Applegate of the recently canceled ABC show "Samantha Who?" and Sarah Silverman of Comedy Central's "The Sarah Silverman Program."
More nominees were added to the leading categories for the first time this year in a bow to growth of strong dramas and comedies on U.S. television, particularly on cable TV. Among the networks, cable channel HBO led the field with 99 primetime Emmy nominations, while Showtime had 29 and AMC pulled in 23. Broadcast network NBC earned 67 nominations, followed by ABC with 55, CBS with 49 and Fox with 42.
The nominations were announced by supporting actress in a drama series nominee Chandra Wilson of ABC's "Grey's Anatomy," actor and nominee Jim Parsons, and Chairman Of The Board Of The Academy Of Television Arts And Sciences John Shaffner.
The 61st Primetime Emmys will be handed out in Los Angeles on September 20 in a live broadcast ceremony.