廣受觀眾喜愛的真人實境影集《決戰時裝伸展台(Project Runway)》,在經過長久等待後,第六季終於在八月二十日與觀眾見面了,而比賽場景由原先的紐約移師到洛杉磯去。與名模海蒂‧克稜(Heidi Klum)共同主持該節目的提姆‧岡恩(Tim Gunn)表示,該是洛杉磯這座城市被認定為是時裝重鎮的時候了。
在第六季裡,目前只知道共有十六位新銳設計師,一同角逐十萬美元的獎金,而細節部份提姆‧岡恩則沒有透露,只承諾將會有空前的創舉,他說:「無論如何對我而言,這是一個挑戰,至於結果如何,我沒有任何預設立場」。(show 8)
《決戰時裝伸展台》不僅僅只是一部關於時裝評比競賽的影集而已,岡恩認為它對觀眾的吸引力,來自於把流行時裝變得貼近於一般民眾。儘管岡恩稱名模海蒂是整個節目靈魂之所在(soul of the show),不過身為麗茲克萊柏恩(Liz Claiborne)公司創意總監的岡恩,儼然成為握有時裝仲裁大權的名流人士。岡恩說:「最美妙的是,人們不僅覺得自己能夠接近我,甚至能夠給我一個擁抱。」(show 12)
※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
INTRO: Project Runway premieres on a new network. Tim Gunn talks about fashion, Heidi and hugs ahead of the "Project Runway" season premiere.
STORY: Fret no more fashion fans, the long awaited return of "Project Runway" is finally here. The legal battles are over and the sixth season premieres on it's network, Lifetime, on August 20th. The show has shifted from New York to Los Angeles and Tim Gunn, who co-hosts Runway with Heidi Klum, says people ought to start thinking of LA as an important city for fashion.
16 new designers vie for the $100 thousand dollar prize in Season 6. While Gunn isn't giving away any details, he promises some unprecedented and blogger worthy moments. "There's a challenge, the outcome of which, for me at any rate, I still have not reconciled that this outcome happened." (show 8)
But the show is about more than competition and Gunn believes its appeal lies in demystifying fashion for the masses. While he calls Heidi the "soul of the show," the Liz Claiborne executive has become a celebrity in his own right. "The most wonderful thing is that people not only feel that they can approach me, they feel that they can approach me and give me a hug." (show 12)
Catch Tim's no-nonsense, "make it work" approach Thursdays on Lifetime.