在今年戛納電影節(Cannes Film Festival)上備受好評的電影《惡棍特工(Inglourious Basterds)》,於七月二十三日在倫敦舉行歐洲地區首映會。導演昆汀‧塔倫蒂諾(Tarantino)、奧地利籍男星克里斯多夫‧瓦滋(Christoph Waltz),以及德國籍女星黛安‧克魯格(Diane Kruger),在首映會上現身。
電影《惡棍特工(Inglourious Basterds)》全球首映是在法國舉行,影評對該片的評價很兩極,有些認為這是導演塔倫蒂諾至今最棒的一部作品,而有些則認為本片很無趣,甚至必須看上兩遍才能了解其中的意涵。對此,塔倫蒂諾淡淡的回應說:「我每一部作品的評價都很兩極,看看評論家德里克‧馬爾科姆 (Derek Malcolm) 針對電影《黑色追緝令(Pulp Fiction)》所提出的看法就曉得了。在現今社會,如果你是一位影評人在評論我的作品時,你對我的看法會受到你自己成長背景的影響,無論你喜歡我還是討厭我。我覺的這很好。」(show 8)
電影《惡棍特工》將西方幫派電影與戰爭惡搞結合在一塊。由一群猶太裔美國人組成的〝巴斯塔德斯 (bastards)〞集團,專門冷酷地屠殺納粹份子,他們的首腦由男星布拉德‧皮特(Brad Pitt)飾演。如此令人膽懼的犯罪集團,據說連希特勒(Adolf Hitler) 本人都耳聞過他們。導演塔倫蒂諾成功的把生動活潑的預謀暴力與真實人物連串在一起,改編成狂放不羈的電影情節。
片中對話大部份採用了德語與法語,再搭配上英文字幕,此舉恐怕會影響本片在美國的票房表現。而電影時空背景,則設定在德軍占領法國的第一年,片中人物秀沙娜‧德瑞福斯(Shosanna Dreyfus) 親眼目睹家人慘遭納粹(Nazi)陸軍上校漢斯‧蘭達(Hans Landa) 的毒手。而在歐洲其它地方,由布拉德‧皮特(Brad Pitt) 所飾演的阿爾杜‧雷恩(Aldo Raine),組織了一群猶太裔美國士兵,專門執行殺害納粹份子的任務,並且成功的讓希特勒害怕他們。
片中因飾演納粹份子而在戛納電影節榮獲最佳男演員獎的克里斯多夫‧瓦滋表示:「在我的演員生涯裡,我從來沒扮演過納粹份子,這是我的第一次,也許也是最後一次,不過這要看劇本需要。這是我所演過最棒的角色,卻剛好是個納粹份子,只能說是兩回事了。」(show 11)
在歐洲首映會上還出現了兩位神秘嘉賓,一位是老牌男星米基洛克 (Mickey Rourke),另一位則是歌手蕾哈娜(Rihanna)。米基洛克開玩笑的說自己會出席是因為剛好在附近,不過他也很認真的表示將考慮和導演塔倫蒂諾合作。至於蕾哈娜則未接受訪問。這是蕾哈娜本人在R&B男歌手克里斯‧布朗(Chris Brown)於七月二十日,就今年二月兩人約會動手一事公開道歉後的首次露面。
※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
INTRO: Whitney Houston plays preview of first album in six years to a select audience. Whitney Houston plays her much-anticipated comeback album before an audience of music journalists in London.
STORY: At the album playback at London's Mandarin Oriental hotel, Clive Davis, Sony Music's Chief Creative Officer and the man credited for discovering and nurturing the career of the pop diva talked about her performance at his annual pre-Grammy party earlier this year.
"I was pure nervousy because the closing act was going to be Whitney Houston and nobody had seen her perform in such a long time. We heard the beat to 'It's Not Right But It's Okay'. The place went nuts. Can she still do it? And she did it," he said. (show 8)
He also revealed the album's title: "We both decided 'I Look To You' would be a great title for the album and Whitney's reflection, she said the last seven years, spiritually, it says all I want to say."(show 10)
As Houston took to the stage in a grey Dolce & Gabbana leopard print dress, she looked every inch the R&B diva -- a talented but troubled star.
Since her career kicked off in 1985 with her self-titled debut, Houston has sold more than 170 million records, singles and videos around the world. Houston, 45, is one of music's most decorated female artists, with more than 400 awards. Trained as a gospel singer, some of Houston's best-known hits include "How Will I Know," "Greatest Love of All," and "I Will Always Love You" from the 1992 movie "The Bodyguard," in which she also starred. In recent years, she made headlines for her troubled personal life, including stints in rehab and a 2007 divorce from husband Bobby Brown.
"I Look To You" includes tracks by producers Akon and R. Kelly and is set for release on August 28 in Australia, August 31 in the United Kingdom and September 1 in the United States.