電影《膚色(Skin)》是一部非常寫實的電影,題材取自當年施行種族隔離政策的南非,全片重心圍繞在一位名叫珊卓‧萊因(Sandra Laing)的女孩身上。1950年代出生的珊卓是一位黑人,不過她的雙親卻是白膚色的荷裔南非人(Afrikaner)。珊卓的父母親不知道自己擁有黑人血統,他們把珊卓視為白人來教養,而珊卓的母親珊妮(Sannie)則被懷疑與黑人有婚外情。珊卓也認為自己是白人,一直到十歲那年她因膚色被白人寄宿學校開除為止。
片中很寫實的把鑑定珊卓膚色的檢查過程拍攝下來。珊卓的父親阿巴翰‧萊因(Abraham Laing),很努力的希望讓自己女兒被註記為白人。隨著珊卓漸漸長大,並且與一名黑人墜入情海後,珊卓的家人陷入一陣混亂。由於返祖基因(throw back genes)的影響,珊卓的膚色與父母相異,這不僅讓珊卓的一生經歷許多波折,連帶也讓她家人對外或彼此間的關係受到影響。
電影《膚色》的導演安東尼‧菲比恩(Anthony Fabian),一開始是在倫敦的家中透過收音機聽到這則故事,膚色問題讓珊卓好像有身體缺陷一般,影響她人生的各種方面。導演安東尼‧菲比恩很快就被這個故事所著迷,並且決定把它搬到大螢幕上。
陣容卡司方面,山姆尼爾(Sam Neill)飾演父親阿巴翰‧萊因,南非女星艾莉絲‧克瑞葛(Alice Krige)飾演母親珊妮‧萊因,至於主角珊卓‧萊因則由逐漸嶄露頭角的蘇菲‧歐克娜朵(Sophie Okonedo)詮釋。電影《膚色》自發行以來,已經獲得無數獎項的肯定與讚揚,連國際特赦組織(Amnesty International)也頒獎肯定這部電影。
導演安東尼‧菲比恩表示,這部電影所要傳達的訊息無國界、地域之分,全世界人都能領會其中意涵並引發共鳴。菲比恩說:「無論在多倫多、杜拜或是夏威夷,這部電影能帶給人們相同的感受,因為電影內容就像是在講述自己的故事一樣:在杜拜你會聽到 ─ 我姊姊因為不顧宗教信仰結婚,被老媽趕出家門;在加拿大你會聽到 ─ 因為我跟黑人有不倫戀,我老爸不再跟我說話。所以我很肯定的認為,幾乎每個國家裡都有人經歷與電影情節相類似的故事。」(show 2)
現實生活中的珊卓‧萊因目前仍居住在南非,擁有兩個小孩,不過她的故事結局並不完全是幸福快樂的,不僅她的兩個哥哥拒絕跟她說話及見面,從她青少年時期開始家庭不和諧的情況,仍繼續延續著。儘管珊卓還是為此感到傷心,但她相信自己的故事最終能夠突顯出種族歧視的負面影響。珊卓說:「我認為讓人們了解以往種族隔離的種種是很重要的,儘管現在已經沒有種族隔離了,而且我們過著比較不會遭受歧視的生活。」(show 10)
※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
INTRO: The newly released film Skin tells the moving and true story of Sandra Laing - a black South African born to white Afrikaner parents. Her parents, unaware of their own black ancestry which lead to her colour, struggle to cope with the discrimination directed at their daughter which leads to a fall out that affects every aspect of all their lives.
STORY: Skin is an extraordinary true story to emerge from the apartheid era in South Africa. The film follows the life of Sandra Laing, a girl born black to white Afrikaner parents in the 1950's. The parents, unaware of their black ancestry, raise their child as a "white girl" amid whispers that her mother, Sannie has had an affair with a black man. Sandra thinks of herself as white until at the age of ten she is expelled from her all-white boarding school - rejected by staff for her colour.
In extraordinary scenes officials physically check her to decide that she should be registered as coloured. Her father Abraham Laing begins a fight to have her registered as white. When she grows up and falls in love with a black man, her family are thrown into turmoil. The colour of her skin, caused by throw back genes, starts a struggle that lasts all her life and affects every relationship inside and outside her family.
Skin's director Anthony Fabian first heard the story on the radio at his London home where Sandra Laing's coloured skin was compared to her having a physical disability in that it had negatively affected all aspects of her life. He was immediately fascinated and decided he wanted to tell her story in a full length film.
Skin features Sam Neill as her father Abraham Laing, South African actor Alice Krige as her mother Sannie Laing and rising star Sophie Okonedo as Sandra Laing. Since it's launch it has won numerous awards and accolades including a peace prize and an award from Amnesty International.
Director, Anthony Fabian said he found that the story had global appeal with many people relating to it and finding a resonance with it no matter where they were from:
"In Toronto, Dubai, Hawaii the response has always been the same, this is my story: my sister was excommunicated by my mother because she married outside the faith - that's Dubai for instance, or my father never spoke me again because I had an affair with a black man - that could be Canada. "So I think people have an ownership of the story in almost every country in a way that has been remarkable and very gratifying."
The real Sandra Laing still lives in South Africa and has two children - but her story has not had an entirely happy ending: her two brothers refuse to speak to her or meet with her, continuing a family feud started when she was a teenager. But while she remains sad about this she believes her story is one ultimately of hope which highlights the devastating effects of racism. She said:"I think it's important that people must see how apartheid was - and that apartheid is finished now and that we have now a better life." (show 10)