曾榮獲奧斯卡獎肯定的導演李安(Ang Lee),將六零年代的音樂盛事拍成電影《胡士托風波(Taking Woodstock)》,讓當年的胡士托精神在大螢幕上重現。這部電影的劇本取材自艾略特‧泰伯(Elliot Tiber)的一本書。
為了讓自己家裡所經營的汽車旅館,免於倒閉的命運,猶太裔的艾略特在1969年時,做很多努力促成胡士托音樂藝術節(Woodstock Music and Arts Festival)的誕生。電影中的艾略特一角,是由兼具喜劇演員、作家與脫口秀諧星三重身份的戴米崔‧馬汀(Demetri Martin)所飾演,這是他首次在電影中獨挑大樑。
片中,年輕的艾略特在得知原本要在鄰近城鎮舉辦的大型音樂會被取消後,他透過各種渠道,把這個音樂會轉移到白湖區(White Lake)舉行,目的是要讓父母親所經營的汽車旅館,能湧入許多慕音樂會名而來的投宿旅客。據估計,1969年八月,約有五十萬名樂迷前來參加胡士托音樂藝術節,他們在艾略特鄰居馬克斯‧亞斯葛(Max Yasgur)所經營的酪農場裡,欣賞著珍妮絲‧卓普林(Janis Joplin)、何許人合唱團(The Who)、吉米‧罕翠克斯(Jimi Hendrix)等人的表演。
李安表示,六零年代對他而言代表著〝純真(innocence)〞,他試圖在電影中表現出來。此外,音樂製作人麥克‧蘭(Michael Lang)將胡士托論述為〝宇宙中心(center of the universe)〞的說法,也讓李安獲得很多啟發。李安說:「跟隨著麥克‧蘭的〝宇宙中心〞論調,我試圖去捕捉這份精神。這是一個模糊而遙遠、卻又鮮明的概念,我認為這是對胡士托的最佳詮釋。」(show 3) 因此在電影中,胡士托音樂藝術節的表演舞台就好像宇宙的中心一樣,觀眾圍繞它隨著音樂節奏搖擺,現場洋溢著快樂與嘻皮式的和平氣氛。
電影《胡士托風波(Taking Woodstock)》八月二十八日在全美上映。
※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
INTRO: Forty years after the fabled concert, director Ang Lee brings Woodstock to the silver screen in "Taking Woodstock."
STORY: Forty years after the iconic '60s musical bash, Academy Award-winning director Ang Lee brings the spirit of Woodstock to theaters in his new film -- "Taking Woodstock." James Schamus' screenplay for the film derives from a book by Elliot Tiber whose efforts to save his Jewish immigrant family's dying motel in upstate New York did a lot to launch 1969's Woodstock Music and Arts Festival.
Elliot is a young gay man who unwittingly sets wheels in motion that swiftly overwhelm him. Comedy performer, writer and stand-up Demetri Martin plays Elliot. The film is his first in a leading role.
In the film, Elliot, a very young Chamber of Commerce president, learns that a nearby town has denied a permit for a large music concert so he uses his authority to bring the concert to White Lake. His whole purpose is to get tenants for the El Monaco Motel run by his parents (Henry Goodman and Imelda Staunton). He gets a dozen to the room by the time his mother starts realizing the implications. An estimated 500,000 fans turned up in August, 1969, to hear the likes of Janis Joplin, The Who and Jimi Hendrix perform on a dairy farm belonging to Tiber's neighbor Max Yasgur.
"Taking Woodstock" is a low-wattage film about a high-wattage event. Lee does not focus on the musicians like Janis Joplin and Jimi Hendrix that performed at Woodstock, but instead delivers an entertaining light comedy about Elliot's journey and struggles. Lee says that the 1960s for him present an "innocence" that he was keen to capture. He also said he was inspired by music producer Michael Lang's expression of Woodstock as the "center of the universe".
"I think to capture that spirit I think I want to take that, follow his (Michael Lang's) lead, by thinking of it as a center of the universe, which is vague, somewhere far away, has to be light. And I want to see this human soup, set in a ball. That represents the universe. It's just such a fascinating idea, I thought the best way to describe Woodstock, at least from my point of view," said Lee. (show 3) There is literally a scene in the film where the stage at Woodstock seems like the center of the universe, and around it people are joined together in waves of happiness and hippie peace.
An array of comic figures in the film include Elliot's neighbor, a farmer (Eugene Levy), who negotiates a savvy deal for his cow pasture and a cross-dressing ex-Marine (Liev Schreiber) who hires on as security, and who some critics are viewing as one of the film's truly original characters.
Schreiber said he embraced the idea of playing a cross-dressing ex-Marine as a way also of representing the gender-bending movement of the 1960s. He also said he was glad that Lee didn't focus on the Woodstock concert in the film, but instead turned his attention to telling the story of real life folks of that time.
Also in the film is actor Jonathan Groff who plays, Michael Lang, the music producer for Woodstock. In the film, the cool and calm Lang touches down in a helicopter, and a battalion of lawyers, event organizers, construction crews and the like invade the quiet Catskills community.
News footage and the presence in the cast of troubled Vietnam war veteran Billy, played by Emile Hirsch, are reminders of the violent backdrop to Woodstock.
"Taking Woodstock" opens across the U.S. on Friday, August 28th.