由導演哈洛‧雷米斯 (Harold Ramis) 所執導的喜劇新片《您祖宗卡好/元年 (Year One)》,故事時空背景雖然設定在舊約聖經年代,但整部電影則充滿濃厚的現代感。至於劇中主角,則找來喜劇演員杰克‧布萊克 (Jack Black) 與麥克爾‧塞拉 (Michael Cera) 擔綱演出,並且把英國喜劇團體蒙堤‧派森 (Monty Python) 的表演風格融入其中。兩人在片中飾演名叫列德 (Zed) 與歐 (Oh) 的打獵採集人,他們在路途中親眼見證到舊約聖經中所記載的重要內容。
今年四十歲的布萊克,最為人所熟知的作品是《搖滾教室 (The School of Rock)》與《衰腳神父 (Nacho Libre)》,而二十一歲的塞拉則以電影《男孩不壞 (Superbad)》與《鴻孕當頭 (Juno)》裡精湛的演技,令觀眾印象深刻。
在談論起兩人表演風格與年紀差異如何完美搭配演出電影時,布萊克說:「我認為以劇中角色來說,這樣的差異非常適合,因為其中一位有點像是領導者,他指引並保護另外一個角色。如此一來,由年紀比塞拉要大的我來詮釋這樣的角色就很合理。而塞拉在很某方面非常有趣勝過我,我想由我倆搭配演出這部電影非常適合。」 (Show 3) 此外,布萊克也表示,劇中自己所飾演的列德跟現實生活中的自己有幾分類似,列德一直在尋找生命的意義,而布萊克則認為現實中的自己是一位探索者。
電影中有一幕當列德與歐抵達遠古城市所多瑪 (Sodom) 時,歐被充當作黃金雕像擺在宮殿裡。塞拉笑著承認表示,全身塗滿金漆是自己在拍攝這部電影中,頗具挑戰性的部份。而在整個拍攝過程裡,塞拉說不按牌理出牌的劇本,以及能夠和仰慕已久的導演雷米斯合作,是最吸引他的。
導演雷米斯花了三十年的時間,來醞釀籌畫拍攝《您祖宗卡好/元年 (Year One)》這樣的一部電影,而在構思的過程中,1975年的《兩千歲的人 (The 2000 Year Old Man)》以及1979年的《我不是彌賽亞 (Life of Brian)》,都帶給他許多靈感。雷米斯說:「我只是覺的從頭開始建構一部喜劇非常有趣,而蒙堤‧派森的電影《我不是彌賽亞 (Life of Brian)》,他處理新約聖經的手法,讓我覺的很好笑。因此,我就想也許我也能以舊約聖經為劇情藍本,借用蒙堤‧派森的處理手法來拍攝電影。」(show 7)
電影中大部份的場景都在路易斯安那州 (Louisiana) 的申里夫波特 (Shreveport)進行拍攝。為了將劇中主要場景遠古城市所多瑪,真實呈現在觀眾面前,還耗費了六英畝的地來建造場景。
電影《您祖宗卡好/元年 (Year One)》,六月十九日在全美上映。
※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
INTRO: A new comedy set in biblical times pairs actors Jack Black and Michael Cera. "Year One" - a new comedy set in biblical times - pairs Jack Black's raucous comic timing with Michael Cera's more subtle sensibility.
STORY: Comic actors Jack Black and Michael Cera pair up for a new film with a Monty Python sensibility -- "Year One." The comedy directed by Harold Ramis is set in biblical times and lampoons Paleolithic man as well as key episodes from the Old Testament. Black and Cera star as "Zed" and "Oh" -- two hunter-gatherers who go on a road trip through medieval times and witness key episodes from the Old Testament. Despite the ancient landscape, the film has a very hip and contemporary style.
The 40-year old Black, best known for his roles in "The School of Rock" and "Nacho Libre," is known for his raucous, high octane comedy - while 21-year old Cera is known for his more subtle performances in films like "Superbad" and "Juno."
Black said that the differences between the two actors' styles and ages worked well for "Year One." "I thought that it would be a good pairing for these characters because one of them is sort of the leader in this thing and he thinks that he's putting this guy under the wing to shepherd him and teach him the ways. So it made sense for me that I'm older than Michael and that he's so funny in a different way than me that we would be a good match for this project," said Black. (Show 3) Black also said that in the film his character Zed is searching for the meaning of life and he could relate with that quest because in real life too he sees himself as a "searcher."
In one of the scenes in the film while Zed and Oh are in the ancient city of Sodom, Oh serves as a golden statue at a palace orgy. Cera laughed as he admitted that the experience of having gold painted all over his body was one of the more challenging parts of the film. Of his whole experience, Cera said he was attracted by the hilarious script and by the idea of working with director Harold Ramis who he has admired for many years.
Ramis nurtured the idea of a film like "Year One" for about thirty years. He said he was inspired by Mel Brooks' "The 2000 Year Old Man" in 1975 as well as the 1979 film "Life of Brian" by the British comedic group Monty Python.
"I just thought this is real interesting to get at the beginnings of things in a comic way and then "Life of Brian" – Monty Python's movie dealing with the gospels is very funny to me. So, I thought maybe I could do that for the Old Testament, what Monty Python did for the gospels," said Ramis. (show 7)
Most of the film was shot in Shreveport, Louisiana where elaborate sets were constructed over about six acres in the effort to recreate the city of Sodom, which forms the setting for a large portion of the film.
"Year One" hits U.S. theaters June 19th.