


(The Hurt Locker)》在好萊塢舉行首映,導演與參與演出的演員們都前來參加,希望能藉此宣傳這部深刻反思伊拉克戰爭的影片。這部電影根據第一手實地觀察的資料改編而成,劇情以三名在伊拉克首都巴格達(Baghdad) 服役的美國人為主,他們是當地拆彈小組的成員。導演凱瑟琳畢格羅 (Kathryn Bigelow) 表示,雖然夏天的電影市場幾乎是喜劇與動作片的天下,但觀眾仍然會想看看劇情片。



為了讓電影看來更逼真,導演畢格羅前往中東地區取景。擔任本片主角的傑瑞米雷納 (Jeremy  Renner) 表示,這是他第一次到外國拍片感到有如此的不安全感,他說:「一個美國人身處在中東地區,這讓我感到緊張,而且我對於當地的文化一無所知。我們的拍攝工作在約旦 (Jordan) 進行,那是個美麗的地方。我把自己當作加拿大人,這就是我天真之處。這次的工作讓我受益良多,是個很棒的經驗。」(show 8)


電影《拆彈部隊/危機上身 (The Hurt Locker)》的劇情,緊隨著三名在美國陸軍防爆小組服役的男性,他們在巴格達街頭試圖拆除炸彈時,與暴亂份子發生戰鬥。飾演其中一名成員的安東尼麥凱 (Anthony Mackie) 表示,希望透過電影中一連串讓人心跳加速的連續鏡頭,能讓觀眾對在當地執行任務的軍人,更加尊敬。


在首映會上,導演界傳奇人物詹姆斯卡梅隆 (James Cameron) 也前來共襄盛舉,他表示觀眾需要透過真實的影像,來理解身處於現代戰爭下的生活會是什麼樣子。卡梅隆說:「這部電影很棒,沒有說教的內容,沒有政治色彩,只是表達出實際的情況來。」(show 14)


電影《拆彈部隊/危機上身 (The Hurt Locker)》於六月二十六日正式上映。





 ※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 」




※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website.  ( 原文取自路透社網站 )


INTRO:  The Hurt Locker premieres in L.A.  "The Hurt Locker" - a film following the lives of three American bomb squad technicians in Iraq - premieres in Hollywood.


STORY: The director and cast of "The Hurt Locker" walked the red carpet in Hollywood on Friday (June 05), to promote what they hope will be one of the most introspective looks at the war in Iraq. The drama, which is based on first-hand observations, tells the story of three American technicians serving on the bomb squad in Baghdad. Director Kathryn Bigelow said that while summer is usually filled with comedies and action-packed blockbusters, there's still a need for dramatic works.


To make the film visually-viable as possible, Bigelow shot on location in the Middle East.  The film's lead, actor Jeremy Renner, said that he was, at first, intimidated about having to shoot abroad. "I was nervous as an American being in the Middle East, but I was very naive.  I knew nothing about the culture.  We shot in Jordan, which is a beautiful place.  But I was going to go over as Canadian; that's how naive I was.  But I learned a lot.  It was a really fantastic experience," said Renner. (show 8)


"The Hurt Locker" follows three men in the Army's elite Explosive Ordnance Disposal, who battle insurgents and each other as they seek to disarm the streets of Baghdad.  Portraying one of those soldiers, actor Anthony Mackie said that he hopes the heart-thumping sequences will leave audiences walking away with a greater appreciation for the troops.


Also on the red carpet for the premiere was legendary director James Cameron, who said that audiences need a real-life vision of what life is like in modern warfare. "It's just a fantastic film.  It's not preachy.  It's not political.  It just says, this is what it's like on the ground.  This is what these guys are like, and it's an amazing ride to go with them." (show 14)


"The Hurt Locker" opens on June 26.






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