由導演托德‧菲立普斯 (Todd Phillips) 所執導的喜劇電影《宿醉/醉後大丈夫 (The Hangover)》,於六月初在好萊塢 (Hollywood) 著名的葛羅門斯中國戲院 (Grauman's Chinese Theater) 舉行首映。劇中演員布萊德利‧庫柏 (Bradley Cooper)、海瑟‧格拉漢姆 (Heather Graham) 以及加斯汀‧巴沙 (Justin Bartha),在通往首映會的紅地毯上,大開彼此玩笑。此外,首映會上星光熠熠,很多影視名流也都前來捧場,包括金凱瑞 (Jim Carrey)、扎克‧埃夫隆 (Zac Efron)、奧爾森姐妹 (the Olsen Twins) 等等。
布萊德利‧庫柏笑著說:「我向導演托德表示,這部電影結合了〝瘋狂今晚夜(Bachelor)〞與〝記憶碎片(Momento)〞兩部片的概念,而托德則更進一步說,這部電影其實是喜劇版的〝拯救瑞恩大兵 (Saving Private Ryan)〞。我想確實是這樣,因為電影背後藏有巨大的謎團,是一個偵探懸疑故事。我們大家都覺的自己在拉斯維加斯所拍攝的,還真的是一部戰爭片,因為演員們彼此間不斷的捉弄對方。」(show 11)
電影《醉後大丈夫》的劇情,以告別單身狂歡派對出差錯作為全劇主軸,就在新郎道格 (Doug) 即將舉行婚禮的前兩天,他與最好的朋友菲爾 (Phil) 與史都 (Stu) 以及未來的小舅子阿蘭 (Alan),四人開車到拉斯維加斯去搞單身派對。就在派對結束後的隔天早上,眾人醒過來後除了頭痛欲裂外,什麼都記不得。而他們所待的豪華旅館房間內,除了一片凌亂外,怎麼也找不到新郎的蹤影。在毫無頭緒並且時間緊迫的情況下,剩下的三人必須試圖抽絲剝繭,先釐清到底自己在前晚單身派對上做了什麼,找出出錯的環節,然後尋找新郎道格,並且把他及時帶回洛杉磯舉行婚禮。
一同參與這部電影演出的艾德‧赫爾姆斯 (Ed Helms) 說:「這部電影所採用的敘述方式很酷。某一部份劇情是建立在單身派對上,然後直接切入到隔天早上的一團亂,而其餘部份,則圍繞在單身派對所惹出來的餘波與後果。所以儘管你沒有看到究竟發生了什麼事情,但是透過電影的舖陳敘述,你會徹底了解整個事件的來龍去脈。」(show 10)
導演托德‧菲立普斯補充說:「你不會知道這樣的電影敘述手法能否成功。每個人都希望能拍出成功的電影來,很顯然,我不懂其中的秘訣,也不知道如何能夠每次都到位。我認為我們只是不斷的在電影中製造笑料並且嚐試新的點子,並且確保在拍攝過程中,大家都能玩的很盡興,因為不知怎麼回事,這樣的作法真的能拍出有趣的電影來。」(show 15)
※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 242 」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
INTRO: The Hangover's red carpet premiere "The Hangover" hopes to leave its audience laughing over the hijinks of a bachelor party gone bad.
STORY: Led by director Todd Phillips, the cast of the new comedy, "The Hangover" continued their hijinks on the red carpet Tuesday (June 02, 2009) night for the film's Hollywood premiere at the famed Grauman's Chinese Theater. Stars Bradley Cooper, Heather Graham and Justin Bartha were in fine spirits as they joked their way along the premiere's arrival line.
"I said to Todd, 'What is this movie?' I said it is like 'Bachelor Party' meets 'Momento,' laughed Cooper. "Then he took it a step further and said I think its 'Saving Private Ryan' the comedy. I think that it is. Because, there is a huge engine behind it, it is a detective story, a who dunnit. We all felt we made a war movie, living in Vegas and have having the crap kicked out of each other." (show 11)
Directed by Todd Phillips of "Old School" fame, "The Hangover" tells the story of a bachelor party gone wrong. Two days before his wedding, Doug (JUSTIN BARTHA) drives to Las Vegas with best buddies Phil and Stu (BRADLEY COOPER and ED HELMS) and future brother-in-law Alan (ZACH GALIFIANAKIS) for a blow-out bachelor party. But when they wake up the next morning with pounding headaches, they can't remember a thing. Their luxury hotel suite is beyond trashed and the groom is nowhere to be found. With no clue about what happened and little time to spare, the trio must attempt to retrace their bad decisions from the night before in order to figure out where things went wrong in the hopes of finding Doug and getting him back to L.A. in time for his wedding.
"It is a very cool narrative trick the way this movie unfolds," explained co-star Ed Helms. "Because, there is some build up to the bachelor party, and then it cuts to the next morning. The rest of the movie is all about the fallout and the aftermath of the bachelor party. So, you actually don't see any of it, but you do find out over the course of the movie what happened." (show 10)
"You mean, you never know if it is going to work," added the film's director Todd Phillips. "Everyone sets out to make a movie that works. Obviously, I don't know what the secret is or it would happen every time. The movies sometime come together well. I think with us, we keep pushing the comedy and trying new stuff. We just make sure we are having fun on the set, because somehow that always makes sure that the movie is fun." (show 15)
The premiere itself seemed to generate an eclectic mix of celebrity, with a guest list for the night that included Jim Carrey, Zac Efron, the Olsen Twins and former hockey great Wayne Gretzky.
"The Hangover" opens on Friday (June 5, 2009).