任職於紐約大學商學研究所(NYU Stern)媒體與科技系的教授埃爾‧李柏曼(Al Lieberman)表示,通常奢侈品消費在大環境經濟拮据的情形下,會首當其衝,不過電玩業的銷售成績卻依然亮眼。李柏曼說:「在這之前,我們經歷過許多次的經濟不景氣,但是有部份產業可以安然度過,而電子遊戲業就是其中之一」。(shows 3)
CNET科技資訊網站的丹‧艾可曼(Dan Ackerman)表示,在經濟大蕭條的時侯,人們會透過電玩獲得暫時的紓解,就好比去看場電影一樣。艾可曼說:「如同經濟大恐慌(the Great Depression)時一樣,當時人們還是會上電影院找樂子,如今的電玩遊戲有異曲同工之妙,是面對經濟不景氣的必需品」。(shows 7)
在紐約玩具店消費的這位電玩愛好者羅密羅表示,零售商知道無論經濟狀況如何,消費者將會不斷的購買電玩遊戲。羅密羅說:「遊戲售價總是固定不變,不會調降,因為廠商知道消費者想要買刺激的玩樣兒,來獲得娛樂,並且從中忘掉經濟不景氣。」 (shows 19)
※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 212 」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
INTRO: Video game sales still strong, despite economic tough times. While most industries face a slowdown due to the financial crisis, video games weather the economic storm
STORY: While most businesses are preparing for a slowdown due to the current financial crisis, the video gaming industry appears to be managing the economic storm. Professor of media and technology at NYU Stern, Al Lieberman said although luxuries are often the first to go during tough economic times, the video gaming industry continues to do well.
"There have been many recessions before and there are certain things, certain elements and sections, sectors of the economy that survive straight through and electronic games is one of those," said Lieberman.
Dan Ackerman of CNET.COM said people are turning to video games for light relief, like they turned to movies, during the Great Depression. "They say that video games are essentially a recession-proof product, kind of like movies were during the Great Depression where people still wanted to be entertained," Ackerman told Reuters. (shows 7)
The industry made 10 billion dollars (USD) last year, and is expected to make 14 billion annually by the year 2012. NYU Stern Professor Al Lieberman said although video games can be expensive, at up to 60 dollars (USD) a piece, they offer consumers an interactive entertainment experience, not to mention, versatility.
Shopping at a New York toy store, Manuel Romero said retailers know that people will continue to buy electronic video games, regardless of the state of the economy.
"It's always a fixed price. It doesn't really go down and it's because they know that people want to buy something exciting and you know. They want to be entertained to forget all of the depression out there," Romero said. (shows 19)
For some consumers, hours of escapism for a fixed price is a sacrifice they're willing to make to escape the economic doom and gloom.