主播:星期六,非洲聯盟(The African Union)主席國坦尚尼亞(Tanzania),就西非國家茅利塔尼亞(Mauritania)發生政變一事表示,非洲聯盟將暫停與茅利塔尼亞之間的關係,直到民主機制恢復為止。
配音:坦尚尼亞外交部長在一份代表非盟的聲明中表示,就茅利塔尼亞已經簽署的幾項非盟協定中,包括上個月已獲認可的非洲憲章 (the African Charter)在內,都禁止不符合憲政程序的政權更替。因此,非盟將暫停與茅利塔尼亞之間的關係。
遭到推翻的總統阿卜杜拉希 (Sidi Mohamed Ould Cheikh Abdallahi),是茅利塔尼亞從1974年取得獨立以來的首位民選總統。八月六日時,由於總統阿卜杜拉希試圖撤換安全官員,因而引發政變。
這起政變是由總統侍衛長阿齊茲(Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz)所率領。阿齊茲在八月八日時表示,將會先指派新政府來統治茅利塔尼亞,直到下次大選為止。儘管阿齊茲再三保證會讓國家恢復民主機制,不過並未就舉行大選的日期作出承諾。此外,阿齊茲也表示基於安全理由,不會立即釋放遭罷黜的總統阿卜杜拉希。
※ 正式新聞稿與影像:「新唐人亞太電視台 」、「新唐人電視台 」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
INTRO: African Union to suspend Mauritania. The African Union announces it will suspend Mauritania until a democratic government is restored.
STORY: The African Union will suspend Mauritania until democracy is restored in the West African nation where soldiers overthrew the president this week, African Union (AU) chair Tanzania said on Saturday (August 9).
The Tanzanian Foreign Affairs Minister said in a statement on behalf of the continental organisation that Mauritania had signed up to several AU conventions that prohibit unconstitutional changes of government, including one that it ratified last month: the African Charter for Democracy, Elections and Governance.
Soldiers led by the presidential guard overthrew Sidi Mohamed Ould Cheikh Abdallahi, the country's first democratically elected president since independence in 1974, on Wednesday (August 6) after he tried to sack senior officers.
The country straddles black and Arab Africa and is an ally of the United States in the war against terrorism. Militant attacks in Mauritania over the past year have underscored fears al Qaeda's north African wing was spreading its influence south.
The country's new leaders, led by presidential guard chief Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz, said on Friday (August 8) they would appoint a new government to run the country until new elections. But condemnation of the coup has been widespread and Washington has frozen all non-humanitarian aid to the country, which is also one of the continent's newest oil producers.
An Arab League team met the coup leader on Saturday and Ahmed Ben Hilli, the organisation's assistant secretary general for political affairs, said he had been given reassurances of a return to democracy but no date for polls.
"He assured me that democracy will continue and will take root. The democratic state will continue and he assured me that the interest of Mauritania lies in having a democratic voice and that the parties, the national assembly, the senate, continue their work and that there will be a government," Ben Hilli said.
Abdel Aziz does not appear ready to bow to pressure for now, telling a newspaper the deposed president would not be released immediately and cited security reasons.
Abdallahi is being held at a secret location. His daughter, released from house arrest with the rest of his family late on Thursday (August 7), said he needed medical attention.
Abdel Aziz did not specify the security reasons or give any details on promised elections but asked for understanding.
Abdallahi won elections last year after a 2005 coup also instigated by Abdel Aziz, which ended years of dictatorship, but he faced growing opposition from parliamentarians and the army, which has long played a key role in Mauritanian politics.