為期四天的2008年東京玩具展(2008 Tokyo Toy show),在六月二十二日畫下完美句點。對於來不及前往參觀的觀眾朋友,不用心疼,透過娛樂新幹線的鏡頭,帶您看看最新、最讓人愛不釋手的玩具。
這次參展的玩具新品超過三萬多種,其中最受人矚目的,則是這兩種有趣的玩樣兒 ─ 「迷你卡拉ok機」與「戀情存錢筒」。
由日本玩具大廠Takara Tomy製造的這台名為〝Hi-kara〞 的可攜式個人卡拉ok機,號稱體型是全球最小的,不僅外型是長度只有七公分的立方體,連重量都還不到一磅重,不過性能絕對不輸給一般的卡拉ok機。至於歌曲,除了可以經由特製的音樂卡匣獲得外,也能透過網路下載的方式取得。玩家只要選定要演唱的歌曲後,歌詞就會在顯示在2.4吋的螢幕上,然後就隨著音樂旋律,使用附屬的耳機、麥克風,盡情歡唱。
Takara Tomy 公司的行銷經理表示,這款迷你卡拉ok機鎖定的顧客層,是就讀小學的女學生與她們的家人,他說:「由於中學生以下不能單獨到卡拉ok店去唱歌,而藉由這台迷你卡拉ok機,她們可以在家中唱個盡興。」【shows 11】
這款名為〝帥哥銀行 ( Ikemen bank )〞的玩具存錢筒,預定存入的總金額是五百美元的硬幣。而在存錢的同時,心型存錢筒上頭的液晶螢幕,還會顯示五種不同類型的男性,從酷男到成熟穩重型的都有。當存入金額達到總目標後,也是這段虛擬愛情畫下句點之時,至於結局呢,就看女性玩家與螢幕上的男性互動關係如何了。
曾經熱賣超過七百四十萬個電子寵物蛋、創下銷售佳績的萬代株式會社,希望以同樣的模式,打造更為成功的商品,也就是這次展出的〝帥哥銀行 ( Ikemen bank )〞電子存錢筒。萬代株式會社女孩玩具部的人員說:「無論是單身還是已婚女性,都可以透過這個玩具享受怦然心動的感覺,並且從中與玩具進行互動。」【shows 22】
※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線195 」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
INTRO: 2008 Tokyo Toy show kicks off with companies unveiling their latest, including mini karaoke machine and heartthrob piggybank. Toy manufacturers showcase over 30 thousand toys at the 2008 Tokyo Toy Show, including a heartthrob piggybank and one of the smallest karaoke machines.
STORY: The 2008 Tokyo Toy show kicked off on Thursday (June 19) with toy companies unveiling over 30 thousand new items, including mini karaoke machines and heartthrob piggybanks.
Japanese toy maker Takara Tomy's latest is what the company claims as one of the smallest portable karaoke machines in the world. Personal karaoke machine "Hi-kara" is a 7 centimeter (2.8 inches)- cubic system, which weights less than a pound, but works just like the real machine. Once a singer selects a song, which can be obtained through special music cartridges and Internet downloads, the lyrics will be shown on a 2.4-inch display, while the attached headphone and speakers amplify the melody and singing.
The company says the machine mainly targets elementary school girls and their families. "Girls who are middle school age and under can't go to karaoke parlors by themselves even if they wanted to sing, but now they can try at home with this new karaoke machine," Shigekazu Mihashi, marketing director at Takara Tomy, told Reuters.
"Hi-kara" will go on sale in October for about 100 .S.-dollars and various song cartriges will be sold accordingly for less than 40 U.S.-dollars.
While at another corner of the show, a Japanese electronic piggybank was introduced to help people save money and find virtual heartthrobs. Bandai's "Ikemen" or "good looking guy - bank" is a heart-shaped depository where up to $500 in coins can pile up. Meanwhile, the heart-shaped bank's LCD screen displays five different animated male love interests - who range from the "cool model" type to "older man with patience". The love story ends when the bank is filled, but depends on how well users communicate with their LCD men, who often complement women owners.
Bandai, maker of the Tamagotchi virtual pets that sold over 74 million units, is looking to do for personal finance what it did for plastic eggs. "It doesn't matter if women are single or have husbands," said Hiroko Ono from the Girls Toy department at Bandai. "Our target is basically anyone who hasn't had a recent heart-beating experience and wants to get that feeling back," she added. 【shows 22】
"Ikemen bank" will hit domestic stores in September for about 50 U.S.-dollars, and like many other Japanese financial institutions have an interest rate near zero.
The 2008 Tokyo Toy Show continues through June 22.