這家公司的基因諮詢計畫主任艾立沙‧拉凡(Elissa Levin)說:「這項服務的構想,是希望從基因取得資訊,幫助顧客了解自身存在的遺傳風險,如此一來,就能專注在這些情況上,進行特別的健康關注。」【shows 15】
※ 正式新聞稿與影像:「新唐人電視台」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
INTRO: Company creates personalized DNA charts for clients. A company creates personalized DNA charts for patients that show genetic odds of developing common conditions like diabetes, cancer and heart disease.
STORY: Mapping out your future has just become a lot easier thanks to a company that can match your DNA against 18 common conditions and let you know how susceptible you are to developing them.
For $2500 USD Navigenics, a privately held company based in California, will analyze a sample of your saliva and provide a report on how likely you are to develop ailments like diabetes, heart disease and various forms of cancer.
"The idea is to help people understand what might lie ahead, what they might have an increased genetic risk for so that they can then focus their healthcare specifically on those conditions," said Elissa Levin, Navigenics' Director of Genetics Counseling Program.
The company tailor makes reports that provide extensive information on the conditions that you are most at risk of developing and gives preventative advice. The company says that it hopes the information they provide will help people to take preventative measures before they become a problem.