觀眾朋友想知道蒙娜麗莎(Mona Lisa)為何沒有眉毛嗎?如果你親自到韓國的動態美術館(Living Gallery)一趟,將會由蒙娜麗莎親自為你解答,而非由館方人員進行解說喔!
拜現代信息科技(Information Technology)所賜,韓國這間動態美術館內作品中的人物,不僅會動還會說話呢!目前已經將這項科技,應用在〝蒙娜麗莎(Mona Lisa)〞、〝最後的晚餐(The Last Supper)〞、〝阿爾諾菲尼的婚禮(The Arnolfini Marriage)〞等62幅名畫上。也因此,透過這種輕鬆、有趣的互動方式,將有助於小朋友們理解藝術的價值,融入其中。
年輕的遊客,正在尋問數位化的蒙娜麗莎沒有眉毛的原因。蒙娜麗莎回答說:「當年在文藝復興時代,也就是我所生活的那個時候,寬額頭被認為是美女的特徵。所以許多婦女把自己的眉毛刮掉,好讓自己的額頭看來更寬。」【shows 6】
一位幼兒園的老師帶領一群學生到這裡來參觀,她表示這項新科技讓小朋友能更專注於畫作本身。她說:「煩悶的解說往往讓小朋友在看畫時覺的無趣。不過現在小朋友可以跟這些作品進行實際互動,從中能獲得許多樂趣。這跟其它的美術館完全不同。」【shows 12】
動態美術館的人員表示,目前這是全球首座採用信息科技概念的美術館,他們還打算把這項技術拓展到海外其他國家去。館方人員金賢政(音譯;Kim Hyun-jung)說:「這座動態美術館在展示方面,採用不同於其他美術館的概念,把國內信息科技應用到名畫上,這樣一來畫中人物的一舉一動都顯的活靈活現。而這也是全球創舉。」【shows 18】
※ 正式定稿與影像:「新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線181」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
INTRO: South Korea unveils its hi-tech take on some of the world's most famous paintings. South Korea's Alive-Gallery unveils its IT-connected world famous paintings, whose characters are moving and talking.
STORY: Do you want to know why Mona Lisa doesn't have any eyebrows? If you visit this "Living Gallery" in South Korea, you can get the answer from Mona Lisa herself, not from a curator.
A South Korean gallery has unveiled its "living paintings", whose characters are moving and talking, thanks to recent Information Technology (IT). IT has infused life into 62 masterpieces such as the "Mona Lisa", "The Last Supper" and "The Arnolfini Marriage". Little children, who struggle to appreciate the value of art, can now understand those masterpieces in a fun and easy way by interacting with the characters in the paintings.
Ask by young visitors at the gallery why she didn't have any eyebrows, a digitalized version of the Mona Lisa responded: "During the Renaissance period, when I was living, wide foreheads were regarded as an element of beauty in women. So many women shaved their eyebrows to make their foreheads seem wider".【shows 6】
One kindergarten teacher who brought her little students to the gallery said this new technology made it easy for children to concentrate on the paintings. "Children used to get tired of watching paintings with boring explanations. Now they are having so much fun here because they can actually interact with the paintings. It's very different from other museums," said 36-year-old kindergarten teacher Jung Hyun-hee.【shows 12】
Gallery officials say this is the world's first gallery to use this IT concept and they are planning to export the technology to other countries. "This living gallery has a different concept of display from others. It applies the domestic information technology to the masterpieces so that those characters of the paintings can move vigorously, which is the world's first case," said Kim Hyun-jung at "Living Gallery".
The gallery which opened in the Jamshil area of Seoul in March hopes to cast a new light on old art, inspiring the country's young.
搬新家嚕 ~ 新網誌在此:http://pa701009.blogspot.tw/,懇請舊雨新知繼續支持捧場啦!
- Apr 08 Tue 2008 09:24
〈新唐人電視‧娛樂新幹線編譯〉SOUTH KOREA-(R) HI-TECH ART 與畫中人物互動 韓國動態美術館