

主播:星期六 (75),秘魯考古學家發表他們的最新發現,一座莫希文化 (Moche culture)中強權人物的墳墓被發掘出來。這項發現,將有助於考古學家對南美洲莫希文化的認識。

配音:這座發掘於秘魯西北部蘭巴耶克省 (Lambayeque) 的莫希文化墳墓,保存的相當完整,與二十年前發現的西潘王 (Sipan) 墓室,皆屬於同一時期。

(Steve Bourget) 說:「這座墳墓的主人擁有很高的社會地位,當時他住在這的寺廟,很可能是他統治領域的一部份。此外,在年代上,這座墳墓與西潘王墓室同期。從這座墳墓中所發掘出來的陪葬品、衣服與頭飾,與西潘王墓室出土的文物,有某種程度的關聯。」【shows 8

(Chimu) 與西坎文化 (Sican) 中,可以發覺到莫希文化的特點。

※ 正式新聞稿與影像:新唐人亞太電視台 」、「新唐人電視台 」

※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website.  ( 原文取自路透社網站 )


INTRO: Archeologists discover pre-Inca Peruvian tomb. Archaeologists discover a Moche tomb they believe may date back to the first millennium. 

STORY: Peruvian archaeologists announced on Saturday (July 5) the discovery of the complete tomb of a powerful figure from the Moche culture that ruled northern Peru 1,600 years ago. 

The tomb was found in the Ucupe archaeological dig in Lambayeque, 770 kilometres north of Lima and is dated from the same time as the important King of Sipan tomb found some 20 years ago.
Both men were important figures in the Moche pre-Incan culture, which was known for its superb gold and silver work during the first millennium of the Christian era. 

"It's a tomb of a high-ranking person who lived here in the temple which was probably part of his political dominion," said archaeologist Steve Bourget of the University of Texas. "It's related in a way to the site at Sipan. In other words, it's a tomb from the same era; it has a trousseau, a dress and many headdresses elaborated in the same way as
some of the people and things of the Sipan tombs."shows 8

Bourget, an archaeologist who has worked in the area for 20 years, explained that by comparing this tomb to the Sipan tomb, scientists hope to discover more about the relationship between different groups that inhabited the region. Both tombs contained funerary items including 14 crowns, two funeral masks, weapons and jewellery. 

The jewellery of the Moche is highly valued. In 2006, British police returned a gold Moche headdress that was uncovered in a London house after being sacked from the Andean country in 1988. According to local authorities, trafficking of ancient art is the second largest illegal activity in the country, after cocaine trafficking. 

The Moche ruled the region until halfway through the ninth century but disappeared mysteriously and were absorbed into the Chimu and Sican cultures.



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