


溫伍德(Steve Winwood),現在開始認為搖滾樂應該是屬於年輕人的玩樣兒。儘管溫伍德覺得自己所創作出來的音樂作品,不是專門為25歲的小伙子而寫,但他表示自己正在慢慢的調適心態。其實早在三十年前,溫伍德就已經意識到這個問題了,因為搖滾樂的本質,充滿著朝氣蓬勃的年輕氣息,因此對於一個年紀漸長的音樂人而言,彼此間似乎有點矛盾。

(the Rolling Stones)〞一樣,溫伍德從六零年代開始闖蕩樂壇,至今已有45年之久。溫伍德的音樂作品相當多,有些可以嗅到藍調傳奇人物馬帝瓦特斯(Muddy Waters)與嚎叫野狼(Howlin' Wolf)的味道,有些則與吉他之神埃里克克萊普頓(Eric Clapton)共同合作,也有的是在他加入traffic樂隊時期的民謠改編作品,還有"Higher Love"這首八零年代的經典之作,則是溫伍德技巧純熟的音樂作品。因此,溫伍德的音樂風格很難去界定,但是都保有他個人的獨特味道。而就在上個月,溫伍德發行了最新的個人專輯〝 九段旅程 (Nine Lives)

1965年時,隸屬於史本賽戴維斯樂隊 ( the Spencer Davis Group ) 的溫伍德與哥哥馬福(Muff)兩人,在毫無預期的情況下,登上舞台演出。而在溫伍德充滿爆發力與辨識度極高的歌聲下,史本賽戴維斯樂隊成功打造出"I'm a Man" "Gimme Some Lovin”這兩首膾炙人口的單曲。

(Birmingham)的一些俱樂部演出。而在英國巡迴演出期間,溫伍德也曾演唱美國藍調與R&B的代表歌曲。由於對藍調音樂的熱愛,溫伍德與滾石樂隊的主唱米克賈格爾(Mick Jagger)滾石樂隊的吉他手凱斯理察德(Keith Richards)、埃里克克萊普頓與羅伯普蘭特(Robert Plant)等藝人結下不解之緣,卻也因為熱愛藍調音樂,而被踢出音樂學院。溫伍德表示,自己不確定英國人從六零年代的何時起,開始表演藍調音樂,不過在當時,爵士樂與藍調並沒有被廣為接納。

※ 正式定稿與影像:「新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線186


※ The original article was taken from
Reuters Website.  ( 原文取自路透社網站 )


INTRO: Steve Winwood, a 60s rock 'n' roller turns 60. Musician Steve Winwood reflects on age and his career ahead of his 60th birthday. 

STORY:   Ahead of his 60th birthday, Steve Winwood(
史提夫溫伍德) is starting to believe rock 'n' roll may be a younger man's game. Maybe. While Winwood acknowledges, "the music I write, I feel, is not the kind of music for a 25-year-old," he says he thinks he is "adjusting."  Half a lifetime ago, Winwood was aware of the contradiction of an aging musician playing essentially youthful music.  "'Cause my rock 'n' roll is putting on weight/ and the beat it goes on," he sang on his 1980 album, "Arc of a Diver."

Winwood has been performing for 45 years -- as long as the Rolling Stones, who are still playing well into their 60s. Whatever the definition of his music, Winwood has played his share of genres, from backing blues greats like Muddy Waters(
馬帝瓦特斯) and Howlin' Wolf(嚎叫野狼), performing with Eric Clapton(埃里克克萊普頓), arranging English folk with Traffic and recording artfully produced 1980s hits like "Higher Love" in the early years of MTV. His new solo album, "Nine Lives," just came out.

Winwood, whose father was a dance band musician, burst onto the scene in 1965, with his older brother "Muff," in the Spencer Davis Group. They had hits with "I'm a Man" and "Gimme Some Lovin'" featuring Winwood's driving organ and distinctive voice.  

While still at high school, Winwood was playing and singing in church and also clubs in Birmingham, even playing with U.S. blues and R&B greats when they toured Britain.  It was his love of the blues that he shared with fellow Britons Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Clapton, Robert Plant and Jeff Beck, that got him kicked out of a music school. He says he's not sure how all the English boys started playing the blues in the '60s, but says that jazz and blues were not readily accepted in 1960s England.

Winwood's latest album, "Nine Lives," was released last month.



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