今年37歲的阿妮‧瓊英‧卓瑪 ( Ani Choying Dolma )是一位藏族尼泊爾人,也是一位佛教尼姑。不過特別的是,她以自己的歌聲,幫助窮困的尼泊爾人。已經發行過八張藏語與梵語冥想音樂專輯的卓瑪,在全球音樂界頗負盛名,不僅在歐洲、亞洲及美國舉辦超過50場的音樂會,今年更將觸角延伸到德國,要當地舉行多場音樂會。
戴著金色手錶,頭頂著超短短髮的卓瑪說:「對於唱歌這方面,我真的沒有特別計畫,但是不知怎麼的,它就發生了。」【shows 5】
卓瑪把自己音樂專輯的收入,拿來建造聖救度母學校(Arya Tara School)。這間學校招收了58位的學生,他們來自鄰近的印度與西藏地區,生活在貧窮的尼泊爾家庭裡。學生們在學校研習佛學、藏語、英文和數學。
卓瑪希望在加德滿都(Kathmandu)蓋一間腎臟移植醫院,以紀念她因腎臟病而去世的母親。此外,卓瑪也期盼和平能夠降臨於尼泊爾。由於多年來的政治紛爭,以及長達十幾年的毛派份子內戰,讓尼泊爾目前處於動盪不安的局勢。卓瑪音樂專輯與演出的所得收益,全數都直接捐入尼泊爾尼姑福利基金會( the Nuns Welfare Foundation )。
※ 正式定稿與影像:「新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線180」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
INTRO: Nepal's "Singing Nun" uses her talent to fund childrens' charity. A Nepalese nun funds her school for orphans by singing her way into the international charts.
STORY: Rather than just relying on prayer, a Buddhist nun is using her voice to help needy Nepalis in one of the world's poorest countries. Ani Choying Dolma, a 37-year-old Tibetan-Nepali known as Nepal's "singing nun", has soared to global fame with her eight albums of Tibetan and Sanskrit meditation songs. She has performed more than 50 concerts in Europe, Asia and the United States, and more are lined up for this year in Germany.
"The singing part comes just somehow. I did not really plan for it, but somehow it came up. " said Dolma, her hair cut very short, and wearing a golden watch.
The income from her CD sales has helped Dolma build the Arya Tara School, which has 58 students drawn from poor Nepali families, including some from neighbouring India and Tibet. They study Buddhist philosophy, Tibetan language, English and Mathematics.
Dolma wants to set up a kidney transplantation hospital in Kathmandu in the memory of her mother, who died of kidney problems. She also longs for peace in Nepal, which is just emerging from a decade-long Maoist civil war and years of political unrest. All of the proceeds from Dolma's record sales and performances go directly into the Nuns Welfare Foundation.
搬新家嚕 ~ 新網誌在此:http://pa701009.blogspot.tw/,懇請舊雨新知繼續支持捧場啦!
- Apr 01 Tue 2008 21:40
〈新唐人電視‧娛樂新幹線編譯〉NEPAL-SINGING NUN 尼泊爾比丘尼歌手 阿妮‧瓊英‧卓瑪