【配音】由於墜毀地點位於陡峭的安地斯山,搜救人員必須先搭乘救難直升機到平坦的區域,在高海拔而空氣稀薄的地區搭設營帳後,艱苦跋涉通過崎嶇的岩層,才能抵達班機失事地點。除了三名機組人員外,機上43名乘客也全部罹難,其中包括一位委內瑞拉知名政治評論家、一名地方首長與他11歲的兒子,以及一位任職於斯坦福金融集團(Stanford Financial Group)的美國籍婦女。
這架失事的班機,原先預定飛往首都卡拉卡斯(Caracas),起飛後於黃昏前,在距離觀光城市梅里達(Merida)10公里處,迎面撞上安地斯山(Andean mountain),而這裡也是當地頗具飛行難度的區域。有關當局表示,當時天候狀況良好,這架飛機的機齡約20年而且保養完善,機組零件也沒有發生過故障;而駕駛方面,不僅經驗豐富,還接受過飛行安地斯山的專業訓練。而在班機失事前,駕駛並未發出求救信號。
這架班機為ATR 42-300型的渦輪螺旋槳飛機,由法國與義大利合組的飛機製造商ATR打造,隸屬於聖塔巴巴拉航空公司(Santa Barbara airline)。聖塔巴巴拉航空公司的規模不大,提供國內班機航線,每天有七個航班自梅里達出發。而位於失事地點附近的梅里達機場,聖塔巴巴拉航空公司的服務櫃檯空無一人。
※ 正式新聞稿與影像:「新唐人亞太電視台」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
INTRO: Civil protection workers reach wreckage of Venezuelan plane that crashed, killing 46. Rescue workers reached the wreckage of a Venezuelan plane that crashed into the Andes mountains killing all 46 people aboard.
STORY: Venezuelan rescue workers on Friday (February 22) reached the wreckage of a Venezuelan plane that slammed into the face of an Andean mountain, killing all 46 people aboard. With few clearings to land choppers, searchers set up a camp in the thin, high-altitude air almost a mile (a kilometre) away and trekked across the rugged terrain to the wreckage.
The plane crashed 6 miles (10 km) from the tourist city of Merida after taking off for the capital Caracas on Thursday before dusk in a notoriously difficult region to navigate. The weather had been good, while the roughly 20-year-old plane had a solid maintenance record and no history of technical problems, authorities said. The pilot was experienced and had specialized training for flying through the Andes. The pilot made no distress calls before crashing with 43 passengers and a crew of three aboard.
A well-known Venezuelan political analyst, a local mayor and his 11-year-old son and an American woman working at the Venezuelan arm of financial services company Stanford Financial Group were among those killed, authorities said.
The plane was flying for Santa Barbara airlines, a small airline that covers domestic routes and has seven Merida flights a day. The plane was an ATR 42-300, a turboprop built by French-Italian company ATR. At nearby Merida airport, the Santa Barbara counter sat empty.