【主播】星期五(2月22日),美國國務卿萊斯(Condoleezza Rice)於華府召開新聞發佈會。萊斯在記者會上表示,塞爾維亞(Serbian)政府應該向前邁進,並且追隨聯合國所做出的決議,承認科索沃(Kosovo)的獨立。
【配音】星期四時,由於對西方國家承認科索沃獨立感到不滿,有大批塞爾維亞群眾聚集於首都貝爾格勒(Belgrade)進行示威抗議,隨後場面失控,塞族民眾攻擊英國、比利時等國大使館,並放火燒美國使館。對此,在記者會上,萊斯於答覆記者們的提問前,先就這起事件向塞爾維亞政府提出譴責。萊斯說:「我們認為塞爾維亞政府應對此負起責任,我們的立場已經表達的很清楚了。」【shows 3】
此外,萊斯也表示美國政府仍希望與塞爾維亞建立友好關係,但前提是必須承認科索沃的獨立。萊斯說:「我們相信科索沃獨立是真正、最後的決議,就讓巴爾幹國家自1389年以來的紛亂歷史,就此結束。現在是向前邁進的時候了,無論是塞爾維亞,或是科索沃都一樣。」【shows 7】
※ 正式新聞稿與影像:「新唐人亞太電視台」、「新唐人電視台」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
INTRO: Secretary Rice says Serbian Government responsible for embassy ransackings. Secretary Rice tells the Serbian government it is time to follow the U.N. resolution recognizing Kosovo and move forward after yesterday's rioting.
STORY: Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice told reporters that it was time for the Serbian Government to move forward and follow the U.N. resolution recognizing Kosovo on Friday (February 22).
Speaking before reporters at a question and answer session, Secretary Rice blamed the Serbian Government for the situation that allowed the mob to ransack several embassies on Thursday and setting part of the U.S. compound on fire. The rioting followed a mass protest in Belgrade against western recognition of Kosovar independence. "We do hold the Serb Government responsible. We've made that very clear," Rice said.【shows 3】
Despite the US response, Rice said that the United States wanted to move forward and build a friendly relationship with Serbia, but that Serbia must recognize the independence of Kosovo. "We believe that the resolution of Kosovo status will really, finally, let the Balkans put its terrible history behind it. I mean after all, we're talking about something from 1389," Rice explained. "It's time to move forward. And Serbia needs to move forward. Kosovo needs to move forward."【shows 7】