主播:設立於東印度加爾各答(Kolkata)的國家矯治收容所(Presidency Correctional Home),將舞蹈納入矯治課程,讓受刑人在獄中接受各種舞蹈訓練。參加舞蹈訓練的受刑人都表示,這項措施讓歡笑重回到他們的生命。
配音:位於印度東方的西孟加拉邦(West Bengal),當地邦政府在過去五年來,持續推動讓囚犯享有尊嚴的牢獄生活,不僅在形式上將監獄的名稱,更改為矯治收容所,實際上,更採用各種方法鼓勵受刑人從事有意義的活動。而舞蹈訓練課程,就是其中的方法之一。
擔任受刑人舞蹈訓練師的阿蘿卡萳達‧蕾(Alokananda Ray),親眼看到了受刑人的巨大轉變。對於許多年輕的囚犯而言,蕾不僅僅只是一位舞蹈治療師,更像是他們的母親一樣。對於受刑人能在舞蹈節慶中,登上舞台公開演出一事,蕾感到很驕傲,也創下了世界首例。為了讓受刑人對於舞蹈訓練課程更感興趣,獄方對於舞蹈的種類不作限制。
※ 正式新聞稿與影像:「新唐人電視台」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
INTRO: Prisoners take to dance therapy in eastern India. Prisoners being trained in various performing dances at Presidency jail in India's eastern Kolkata as part of the reform process.
STORY: Prisoners at Presidency jail also known as Presidency Correctional Home in India's eastern Kolkata(加爾各答) are being trained in various performing dances as part of the reform process.
The state Government in India's eastern West Bengal(西孟加拉邦) has been working for the last five years to offer a respectable life to prisoners. Besides jails being termed correctional homes, the government is adopting various methods to engage prisoners in constructive activities and transform all jails into correctional homes.
Odissi dancer, Alokananda Ray has been training over 50 prisoners in the jail for the past one year and has witnessed a tremendous change in the convicts. Alokananda says she feels she is not simply a therapist but a motherly figure to the young boys at the prison. She adds with pride that these prisoners trained by her performed in a dance festival and it was for the first time in the world that prisoners staged a public performance.
To generate the interest of the prisoners, Alokananda opted for martial dance forms like Kalaripattu and Chhau, which have bold music and manly steps instead of Indian classical dance. But now the jail inmates are open to all kinds of dances.
“Initially none of the prisoners could move a step. It's a pity that people don't see the beginning they (people) only see the finished product. If they did, they would see the tremendous physical transformation, which can only come through internal transformation,” said Alokananda Ray, trainer.
The prisoners feel that with the learning of dance forms happiness has returned into their lives.
“The greatest thing that I have received from this dance is the happiness and the smile on my face. I had no smile on my face for the past few years. This is the greatest thing that I have received,” said Naizal Axara, Prisoner.
The prisoners acknowledge that the dance has turned their prison cell into a lively home. They also say that it is the only ray of hope in their lives to look forward. Besides entertaining them, the rhythm, music and dance movements have contributed to their mental and physical well-being.