

INTRO: Nicholas Cage talks about his role in World Trade Centre movie. 

Thailand to film his latest movie, American actor Nicholas Cageon Tuesday (September 12) met with Thai press in Bangkok to talk about his recently released movie, World Trade Center. 

The 42 year old actor who won an Oscar for his performance as a suicidal alcoholic in Leaving Las Vegas, takes on the lead role of real-life
World Trade Center survivor, Port Authority Police Department sergeant John McLoughlin. 

McLoughlin is only one of 20 people pulled alive from the rubble of the
Twin Towers after it fell on September 11 five years ago. Directed by acclaimed director Oliver Stone, World Trade Center is one in a slew of recent film releases coinciding with the 5th anniversary of the disaster. 

The film tells the story of McLoughlin and Port Authority Police Department office Will Jimeno, who were among the first responders to the
Twin Towers collapse. 

They were in a team of five men who went into the buildings and were trapped when the towers collapsed. McLoughlin and Jimeno survived but were trapped for the next 12 hours, pinned beneath concrete and twisted metal 20 feet below rubble.

To prepare for his role, Cage was said to have spent time in darkness floating in a sense deprivation tank to get a feel of what his character might have gone through.

Produced by Paramount Pictures and distributed in
Thailand by United International Pictures, the movie opened in theatres in the U.S. on August 9 and will premiere in Thailand
next Thursday (September 21).



凱奇 ( Nicholas Cage ) 暢談他於「世貿中心 ( World Trade Centre ) 」這部電影中所扮演的角色。

尼古拉斯‧凱奇( Nicholas Cage ) 於週二 ( 9月12日 ) 在泰國曼谷( Bangkok ) 與媒體會面,暢談他所最新主演的電影「世貿中心 ( World Trade Centre )」。

尼古拉斯‧凱奇,在他的演藝生涯中,以「逃離拉斯維加斯 (
Leaving Las Vegas ) 」一片中扮演自殺酒鬼一角,贏得奧斯卡獎。而在新作中,尼古拉斯‧凱奇擔任主角,飾演現實生活中世貿中心倖存者,港務警察局的警官 約翰‧麥克勞林 (John McLoughlin )。

(Oliver Stone)所執導的電影,是近期上映的眾多電影中,一部與911事件五週年紀念有關的電影。

(Will Jimeno)的故事。他們是首先趕抵雙子星大樓坍塌現場的港務警察局警官們中的一員。



這部由派拉蒙電影公司 (
Paramount Pictures) 製作、美國聯合國際電影公司(United International Pictures)於泰國發行的電影,已於八月九日在美國戲院上映,並將於下週四( 921 )在泰國首映。





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