兩度榮獲奧斯卡獎肯定的男星凱文史貝西(Kevin Spacey),在中國南部參與了黑色幽默喜劇電影《不可分(Inseparable)》的演出。根據好萊塢消息指出,參與中資電影拍攝的好萊塢男星裡頭,史貝西是有史以來最為大牌的一位。
電影《不可分》,由華裔美籍導演伍仕賢(Dayyan Eng)編劇與執導,香港男星吳彥祖(Daniel Wu)與中國女星龔蓓蓓(Gong Beibei)共同參與演出,電影拍攝地點選在廣東省的省會廣州(Guangzhou),從1月8日開拍到3月6日結束。電影中的對話,有超過百分之七十都是用英語。
電影製作人之一的李大衛(David Lee)表示,由於中國電影市場廣大,吸引了像史貝西這樣的優秀演員參與。跟一般外國電影不同的是,電影《不可分》是一部有外國影星參與的中國電影,而非只把中國當作電影拍攝的背景而已,因此有機會將中國的電影產業推向另一個境界。此外,今年,電影《不可分》將先在中國當地上映,然後才擴及全球電影市場。
史貝西首次榮獲奧斯卡獎,是1995年時以電影《刺激驚爆點(The Usual Suspects)》奪下最佳男配角獎,隨後在1999年時,以電影《美國心玫瑰情(American Beauty)》拿下最佳男主角獎。此外,史貝西也曾主演過多部電影,包括《鐵面特警隊(LA Confidential)》與《火線追線令(Seven)》等等,同時最近他也在倫敦的老維克劇院(Old Vic Theatre),擔任美術指導。
※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 」
※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website. ( 原文取自路透社網站 )
Two-time Academy Award-winner Kevin Spacey has wrapped up shooting of the black comedy "Inseparable" in southern China. The Hollywood Reporter said he is "the biggest Hollywood actor to work in a feature film nearly fully-financed by a local Chinese backer".
"Inseparable" was written and directed by Chinese-American director Dayyan Eng, and co-stars Hong Kong actor Daniel Wu and mainland actress Gong Beibei. The movie was shot in Guangzhou, the provincial capital of Guangdong province from January 8 to March 6, with over 70 percent of the dialogue in English.
The movie recounts the friendship between a young and troubled Chinese engineer (Wu) and a mysterious American expatriate (Spacey) and their adventures. Gong plays Wu's wife, an investigative reporter.
David Lee, one of the producers, said China had become such a big film market that it lures talents like Spacey. Lee said "Inseparable" was a Chinese film with a foreign star, which distinguished it from other foreign films which only used vast country as a "backdrop". "Inseparable" could help take China's film industry onto a new level, he added. The movie will be screened first in China later this year, then be shown globally, Lee said.
Spacey first won an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for "The Usual Suspects" in 1995, followed by a Best Actor win for "American Beauty" in 1999. He also starred in movies including "LA Confidential" and "Seven", and is currently the artistic director of the Old Vic Theatre in London.