



由於3D立體動畫電影〝怪獸大戰外星人 (Monsters vs. Aliens)〞一炮而紅,創下這類電影首周票房紀錄,引起了好萊塢的關注,未來可能會有更多這種類型的電影與觀眾朋友見面。


來自洛杉磯的雪瑞兒柯爾曼 (Sheryl Coleman) 在看過〝怪獸大戰外星人 (Monsters vs. Aliens)〞這部電影後說:「3D立體動畫電影實在是太有趣了!你會感覺自己融入其中,成為電影的一部份。」(show 2) 同樣來自洛杉磯的費瑞莎肯泰洛 (Theresa Cantero) 補充道:「這部電影的特效太棒了,與過去的3D動畫相比,不僅畫面清晰許多,而且色彩的銳度也提高了。」(show 3)


一提到3D電影,相信許多人會立刻聯想到好笑的眼鏡,以及缺乏戲劇張力的劇情。不過最近所風行的新一代3D電影,可就不是這樣子囉!華特迪斯尼動畫公司負責美國銷售的總裁查克維亞納 (Chuck Viane) 說:「3D立體動畫決不會是一時的風潮而已,因為當今最棒的電影導演包括羅伯特澤尼吉斯 (Robert Zemeckis)詹姆斯卡梅隆 (Jim Cameron)、史蒂文斯皮爾伯格 (Steven Spielberg) 等,都投身於製作3D電影。」(show 10)


迪斯尼即將發行的最新一部3D立體動畫〝飛天總動員 (Up)〞,已經引起了熱烈的討論。不僅如此,這部3D立體動畫還將在即將舉行的納電影節 (Cannes Film Festival) 上擔任開幕影片,首開以動畫片來開幕的先例。此外,迪斯尼也計畫把〝玩具總動員 (Toy Story)〞一、二集進行3D重製。


華特迪斯尼動畫公司負責美國銷售的總裁查克維亞納說:「3D立體動畫會讓你完全沉浸在電影之中,並且把觀眾席上的每個人結合成一個整體,然後大家一起笑、一起哭、一塊感到害怕、一同對電影情節做出相同的反應。這正是3D立體動畫最棒的地方。」(show 7)


據說今年將有超過四十部的3D立體動畫電影推出。不過,電影票房統計網站 Mojo 的總裁布蘭登葛雷 (Brandon Gray) 則認為,3D立體動畫是否真的重新開始流行起來,還需要更多的證據。葛雷說:「3D立體動畫過去確實曾經風靡過,因此現在就斷言新型3D立體動畫的成功與否,還言之過早。就目前來說,3D立體動畫確實有助於票房的提高。」(show 14)


即將上映的3D立體動畫片〝飛天總動員 (Up)〞,將於五月十三日在納電影節上,擔任今年電影節的開幕電影。




 ※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 235 」




※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website.  ( 原文取自路透社網站 )



INTRO: It's back to the future for 3D films. The return of 3-D films has Hollywood studios betting that the trend is here to stay.



STORY:  It's back to the future for 3-D films, where the success of "Monsters vs. Aliens" has caught the attention of Hollywood. The movie recently set an opening weekend record for 3-D screens, giving the green light on the increasing popular film genre.


"You know, if I'm taking my God children, it is a lot of fun, 3-D movies," explained Sheryl Coleman, of Los Angeles, who had seen "Monsters" on a 3-D screen. "You feel like you are a part of the whole thing." "The effects were really amazing and the picture was a lot clearer and sharper than old 3-D," added Theresa Cantero, also of Los Angeles. (show 2&3)


While 3-D films have traditionally been linked to funny glasses and less than perfect plot lines, the new generation of films have some of the biggest names in in the business behind the trend.


"It will never be a fad because some of the greatest filmmakers that are alive today, whether it is Robert Zemeckis, Jim Cameron, Steven Spielberg or John Laseter. They are all involved in the 3-D explosion," explained Chuck Viane, president of Walt Disney Studios domestic distribution. (show 10)


Disney is gearing up for the release of "Up," a 3-D film that is generating a lot of buzz. It will be the first animated film to ever open the upcoming Cannes Film Festival. The studio also plans on re-screening 3-D versions of the first two "Toy Story" films.


"The idea is that 3D immerses you inside the movie," said Viane. "It takes the audience when you have that sense of community inside an auditorium and brings everyone together, they laugh together, they cry together, they get scared together. They react to everything that is going on the screen because they are part of the movie. That's where 3D really has its greatest benefit."(show 7)


All told, there are said to more than 40 3-D films in production, which is a number that is expected to grow. Still Brandon Gray of the tracking firm Box Office Mojo still needs more evidence that the 3-D revival is here to stay. "3-D has been a fad in the past," said Gray. "So, it is probably too early to tell whether this new 3-D variation will stand the test of time. So far, it has proven to be an excellent enhancement of the box office." (show 14)


The upcoming 3D animation "Up" will open this year's Cannes film festival on May 13.




    怪獸大戰外星人 動畫電影
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