



艾維芮克蘭克勞德 (Avery Klein-Cloud) 原本是一位快樂的紐約少女,她和家人住在一塊,並且打算取得獎學金來上大學。不過,就在一部名叫〝忽然奔跑 (Off and Running)〞的記錄片首映後,艾維芮一家人不再只是一般的美國家庭了。


艾維芮說:「我被兩個白人母親領養。其中一位在以色列 (Israel) 出生,是位猶太人 (Jewish),而另一位則是在美國的伊利諾州 (Illinois) 出生。我有一個哥哥大我三個月,擁有黑人與波多黎各人 (Puerto Rican) 的血統,目前他人在普林斯頓大學 (Princeton)。我還有個韓國人的弟弟。」(show 2)


由於在這種文化、種族與不同性別交融的環境下成長,艾維芮非常渴望找到自己的親生母親,也對於自己擁有非裔美國人的身世感到好奇,卻也因此讓艾維芮與家人間產生距離。艾維芮說:「對我與我的父母親來說,這真的很困擾,相信這對任何人來說,都會是個棘手的問題。不過我的父母親總是很支持我。」(show 4)


艾維芮的心境轉換以及想要尋根的念頭,被導演尼柯爾歐珮兒 (Nicole Opper) 巧妙的拍攝下來。身為艾維芮學校攝影老師的歐珮兒表示,她被艾維芮的故事所深深吸引,因為艾維芮一家人的情況,正好映照出目前全球兒童成長的情形,由於受到種族與性別的錯綜交織而顯的複雜。


艾維芮表示,她希望透過這部紀錄片,幫助父母親了解孩子即將面臨的挑戰,即使孩子現在不接受父母親的關愛,卻仍舊愛著自己的父母。此外,艾維芮也認為這部電影傳遞了一個重要的訊息給孩子,她說:「我真的覺得這部電影讓我放開心胸,並且勇於談論自己的想法。我認為這部影片傳達一個訊息給所有的高中學生,那就是你並不孤單,你可以度過難關。」(show 7)


電影〝忽然奔跑〞於四月二十六日在翠貝卡電影節 (Tribeca Film Festival) 上舉行首映,並且將在 2010年時,於美國的公共電視台 (PBS) 播出。



 ※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 」




※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website.  ( 原文取自路透社網站 )



INTRO: Documentary about adoption in a multi-cultural family premieres at NY festival.  Documentary follows an African-American girl's search for her birth mother within an adoptive family comprising a melting pot of race, culture and sexuality.


STORY:    Avery Klein-Cloud is a happy New York teenager who lives with her family and hopes to get a track scholarship to college.   But as the documentary "Off and Running" reveals, Avery's family is not your average American household.


"I'm adopted by two white mothers, one who was born in Israel and she's Jewish and they other was born in Illinois. I have an older brother who's three months older than me, who's a mix of black and Puerto Rican, and he's currently at Princeton and I have a younger brother that's Korean, from Queens," said Klein-Cloud. (show 2)


It's within this melting pot of culture, race and sexuality that Avery feels a strong desire to find her birth mother and her curiosity about her biological African-American roots grows. This creates an emotionally charged situation at home and Avery becomes more distant from her family. "I think it was really hard on myself and my parents and I think it was just partially because of the point I was in in my life, it made it more difficult for everybody to deal with. But they were always supportive," she said.


Klein-Cloud's displacement and questioning is captured by director Nicole Opper. Opper, who was Klein-Cloud's film teacher at school. Opper said she became drawn to Avery's story because her household is reflective of the world children are growing up in today; one that is mixed and where race and gender lines blur.


Klein-Cloud says she hopes that the film helps parents to understand that their children will experience challenges and even if they push their parents away at times, they still love them. She also thinks it holds a strong message for children.  "I definitely feel like this film has let me open up and talk. I was able to finally talk and that helps, it gets it all out of your mind. And I think, you know, it should for all high school students, just show, you're not alone, it happens to the best of us and you can get through it," she said. (show 7)


"Off and Running" premieres at the Tribeca Film Festival on Sunday (April 26) and it will also be broadcast in the U.S. on the PBS program "P.O.V." in 2010.




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