

由導演羅希歐拉杜(Rocio Llado)所執導的電影〝平行生命 (Parallel Lives )〞,於九月二十三日在秘魯首都利馬(Lima)上映,題材取自19802000年間、真實發生於秘魯的血腥內戰,大約奪走了七萬人的生命。電影的劇情主軸,設定在年幼時期是好友的兩人身上,他們因為尋找光輝道路游擊隊(The Shining Path)以及圖帕克阿瑪魯革命運動組織(Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement),與秘魯政府的軍警形成對立局勢,迫使兩人分離,而兩人間的情誼也隨著內戰而疏離。

導演拉杜說:「恐怖主義的陰影,依舊壟罩在我們生活之中,並未遠離我們,而且是個很重要的議題,有很多假動作融在其中,值得細緻的來探討。」(shows 6)




導演拉杜表示,她的電影要將這個沉痛的過去,深深烙印在秘魯人心底,這樣才能迎向更好的未來。拉杜說:「我認為這部電影所要傳達的訊息是,我們不能忘掉過去,但不是要讓內戰所引起的仇恨延續下去,而是我們要根據過去自己的所作所為,來向前邁進。」(shows 8)


電影〝平行生命〞將當年內戰的場面重現於螢光幕前,而秘魯媒體對於這部電影的評論則是褒貶不一。導演拉杜表示這部電影傳達出了清楚的意識,那就是秘魯人要過和平的生活,而且已經得到了教訓。( shows 10 )


目前,秘魯前總統藤森(Alberto Fujimori)與當年軍隊中的大約七百名成員,正因涉嫌以拙劣的手段壓制叛軍,而接受審判。




※ 正式定稿與影像:「 新唐人電視台 ─ 娛樂新幹線 208 」

※ The original article was taken from
Reuters Website.  ( 原文取自路透社網站 )



INTRO: Peruvian film 'Parallel Lives' addresses the delicate issue of civil war.



STORY: A film narrating historical events during Peru's bloody civil war (1980-2000) opened in Lima on Tuesday (September 23) with the red carpet rolled out for the cast, crew and, atypically, the Peruvian Army.


The army worked with director Rocio Llado of the film 'Parallel Lives', providing arms, military bases for sets, knowledge for recreating military tactics and provoking heated debate in a Peru still divided and scarred by the violent struggle which took nearly 70,000 lives.


The film traces the stories of two childhood friends pulled apart by the struggle that pitted Peru's military, police and peasant militias against The Shining Path and Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement. And it comes at a time when sympathies for the protagonists of both sides of the war run thin, putting Llado in delicate territory.


"Terrorism is an issue that's still latent within in our lives. Unfortunately, it's not an issue that has died. I say that because we are still living it in some way, at least its consequences. So it's a very delicate issue and there is a lot of posturing about it," she said. (shows 6) "


Many remember the insurgent groups for imposing a reign of terror in remote mountain villages; but Peru's truth commission says the military reacted in kind, killing scores of innocent peasants while hunting down the Shining Path.


Llado said her film is an effort to remember the painful past so Peruvians can move on to a better future. "I think the message of the movie could be that we must not forget, not to maintain grudges from the internal war we had but to move forward in a way that is not up in the air but based on what we did," she said. (shows 8)


The film recreates battle scenes from the civil war and was received mixed criticism from Peruvian media. But for filmgoer Alexandra Rodrigo, the film had a clear message. "What we want as Peruvians is to live in peace and we have learned a lesson," she said. ( shows 10 )


Along with some 700 former members of the armed forces, ex-president Alberto Fujimori is currently on trial for his allegedly heavy-handed tactics in suppressing the insurgents.



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