

(Brookside Marketplace shopping centre),發生一起不幸的槍殺案件,共有五名婦女遇害。目前嫌犯在逃,警方已經發布兇嫌的衣著特徵,請民眾協助提供線索。

1044分接獲民眾報案。根據目擊證人的描述,警察在現場附近搜尋可疑份子。五名遇害婦女在藍布萊恩特(Lane Bryant)女裝店的後方被發現,通常這裡很少會有客人出沒。警方拒絕透露被害人身份,只表示這起槍殺案可能是因搶劫而引起。


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※ The original article was taken from Reuters Website.  ( 原文取自路透社網站 )


INTRO: Five dead in U.S. store shooting. Several people shot and killed inside a store at a suburban Chicago shopping centre.

STORY: Five women were shot and killed inside a clothing store at a suburban Chicago shopping centre on Saturday (February 2) in what police said appeared to be a robbery.  Police were searching for a lone gunman spotted outside the store by a witness, but said they had not identified him. 

The victims were all found in the back of the Lane Bryant women's clothing store in an area not frequented by customers, Tinley Park Police Sgt. T.J. Grady told reporters.  It appeared to be a robbery that "went rather poorly," he added. Grady declined to say whether the victims were customers or employees of the store, located at the Brookside Marketplace shopping centre in a southwestern suburb of Chicago.


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